After the recent solar eclipse in North America, one other historic natural event is on the horizon. From late April to June 2024, the biggest brood of 13-year cicadas, often known as brood XIX, will emerge, together with a brood of 17-year cicadas from the Midwest, brood XIII.
This event will affect 17 states, from Maryland west to Iowa and south to Arkansas, Alabama and northern Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia and Maryland. Such a co-emergence of two specific broods with different life cycles only occurs once every 221 years. The last time these two groups emerged together was in 1803, when Thomas Jefferson was president.
For about 4 weeks, isolated forest and suburban areas will ring with cicadas' characteristic whistling, buzzing and chirping mating calls. After mating, each female lays tons of of eggs in pencil-sized branches. Then the adult cicadas die. Once the eggs hatch, latest cicada nymphs fall from the trees and burrow back underground, starting the cycle again.
There could also be 3,000 to five,000 species of cicadas worldwide, however the 13- and 17-year periodical cicadas of the eastern United States seem like unique in that they mix long underground juvenile development times with synchronized, mass emergence of adults. There are two other known periodical cicadas on the planet, one in northeast India and one in Fiji, but these only have life cycles of 4 and eight years, respectively.
Periodic cicadas raise many questions for each entomologists and the general public. What do cicadas do underground for 13 or 17 years? Why are their life cycles so long? Why are they synchronized? Will the 2 broods hatching this spring interact? How can citizen scientists help document this development? And does climate change have an effect on this miracle of the insect world?
We Study periodical cicadas to grasp questions Biodiversity, biogeography, Behavior and Ecology – the evolution, natural history and geographical distribution of life. It is not any coincidence that the scientific name for periodic 13- and 17-year cicadas is Magicicadaabbreviated from “magic cicada”.
Ancient visitors
As a species, periodical cicadas are older than the forests during which they live. Molecular evaluation has shown that the ancestor of electricity emerged about 4 million years ago Magicicada species divided into two lineages. About 1.5 million years later, one in all these lines split again. The resulting three lineages form the idea for the fashionable periodic cicada species groups. Tenth, Cassini And Decula.
Early American colonists first encountered periodical cicadas in Massachusetts. The sudden appearance of so many insects reminded her of biblical plagues of locusts, a form of locust. In North America, the name “locust” was mistakenly related to cicadas.
In the Nineteenth century, well-known entomologists akin to Benjamin Walsh, Riley CV And Charles Marlatt worked out the amazing biology of periodical cicadas. They found that unlike grasshoppers or other locusts, cicadas don’t chew leaves, don’t decimate crops, and don’t fly in swarms.
Instead, these insects spend most of their lives out of sight, growing underground and feeding on plant roots as they undergo five juvenile stages. Their synchronized emergence is predictable, occurring after a clockwork period of 17 years within the north and 13 years within the south and the Mississippi Valley. There are several regional annual classes called broods.
Each color on this map represents a brood of 13- or 17-year cicadas identified by University of Connecticut researchers observing energetic cicada choirs. Broods XIII (brown) and XIX (orange) will hatch in 2024. Click on any point to see which brood it belongs to. Source: University of ConnecticutUsed with permission.
Act together
The most important feature of Magicicada Biology says that these insects appear synchronously in large numbers – as much as 1.5 million per hectare. This increases their probabilities of completing their most vital above-ground task: finding mates.
Dense looming also provides what scientists call predator saturation or safety-in-numbers defense. Any predator that feeds on cicadas, be it a fox, squirrel, bat, or bird, eats its fill long before it has consumed all of the insects in the world, leaving many survivors behind.
While intermittent cicadas largely emerge on schedule every 17 or 13 years, a small group often emerges 4 years earlier or later. Early-emerging cicadas could possibly be faster-growing individuals that had access to loads of food, and the latecomers could possibly be individuals that needed to make do with less.
When growing conditions change over time, as is currently the case with climate warming, it is crucial to give you the chance to bring about the sort of life cycle change, either 4 years earlier in favorable times or 4 years in tougher times to be produced too late. If a sudden warm or cold spell causes large numbers of cicadas to emerge from the schedule 4 years later, the insects may emerge in sufficient numbers to satiate predators and switch to a brand new schedule.
Will climate change change? Magicicada Clocks?
As glaciers retreated from what’s now the United States about 10,000 to twenty,000 years ago, intermittent cicadas filled the eastern forests. The temporary change of life cycle in several locations has formed a fancy breeding mosaic.
Today there are 12 broods of 17-year periodical cicadas in northeastern deciduous forests where trees shed leaves in winter. These groups are numbered consecutively and fit together like an enormous puzzle. There are three broods of 13-year cicadas within the Southeast and Mississippi Valley.
Because intermittent cicadas are sensitive to climate, their breeding and species patterns reflect climatic changes. For example, genetic and other data from our work suggests that this can be a 13-year-old species Magicicada neotredecimwhich is present in the upper Mississippi Valley, emerged during an earlier interglacial period around 200,000 years ago.
As the environment warmed, 17-year cicadas step by step emerged in the world, generation after generation, after 13 years underground. After all, they’re permanently shifted to a 13-year cycle.
However, it shouldn’t be clear whether cicadas can evolve as quickly as humans change their environment. Although periodical cicadas prefer forest edges and thrive in suburban areas, they can not survive deforestation and can’t reproduce successfully in areas without trees.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
In fact, some broods have already turn out to be extinct. In the late Nineteenth century, a brood (XXI) disappeared from northern Florida and Georgia. Another (XI) has been extinct in northeastern Connecticut since about 1954, and a 3rd (VII) in northern New York State has shrunk from eight counties to at least one since mapping began within the mid-Nineteenth century.
Climate change could even have broader impacts. As the U.S. climate warms, longer growing seasons could provide greater food supply. This could ultimately result in more 17-year cicadas turning into 13-year cicadas, identical to warming did prior to now modified Magicicada neotredecim.
Early outbreaks occurred in Cincinnati and the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area in 2017 and within the Chicago metropolitan area in 1969, 2003 and 2020, involving more individuals in successive generations. We suspect that that is on account of global warming.
In 2024, the 17-year-old Brood XIII will emerge geographically alongside the 13-year-old Brood XIX. However, contrary to some recent media reports, there will probably be no overlap. We know this because we mapped them in previous generations after they emerged individually. In the world of adjacency we’re unable to tell apart the 2 broods from one another. They are equivalent in appearance, song and genetics.
Researchers need detailed, high-quality information to trace the distribution of cicadas over time. Citizen scientists are critical to those efforts because intermittent cicada populations are so large and adult cicada emergence only takes a number of weeks.
Volunteers who wish to help document the making of 2024 can download this Cicada Safari mobile appprovide snapshots and follow our research in real time online at When there are cicadas in your area, they’re difficult to disregard. So why not learn to understand them and have a good time?
This is an updated version of an article originally published on March 12, 2021.
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