Can I take motion against the widow for this stolen money?

Dear Amy: I’m writing to you to ask your opinion on an ethical/ethical situation I’m currently experiencing.

Because she named my brother executor, he was capable of sell the bonds without my knowledge. He kept all the cash and told me there was none for me.

My brother died last 12 months. Due to my sister-in-law's health and her great sadness, I didn’t need to bring up the situation described above on the time.

But now that it's been almost a full 12 months since his death, I would love to know the next: Would it’s morally/ethically correct for me to ask her for the cash my brother “stole” from me?

I do know she more than likely didn't know he did that.

It disturbs me to learn that he didn’t honor our mother's final wishes. I want the cash. So I would love to listen to your opinion on whether it could be right for me to pursue this.

Dear sister: You had a few years to confront your brother and prosecute him for the cash you think he stole from you, but you didn't. You also don't mention seeing a will or documents supporting your case.

After your brother dies, you need to confront his completely ignorant and innocent widow to pressure her into providing you with this money.

In my opinion, pursuing this now’s each unethical and unkind.

Dear Amy: My friend “Tina” and I even have been friends since college and at the moment are in our fifties.

When we met, we were members of a spiritual organization on campus; However, because the years went by, we each drifted away from our religious affiliations. I might now describe myself as an agnostic.

Recently, Tina had a difficult breakup together with her partner. Since the breakup she has returned to religion and now mentions it often, which makes me a bit of uncomfortable because it looks like she is attempting to bring me back into the fold.

Over Easter she went to church and decided to be baptized. She planned it at a friend's church three hours away.

She said she wanted me to go. I explained that I couldn’t attend for short-term reasons.

She needed to cancel attributable to a family emergency, but then told me she was postponing her baptism so I could plan to attend.

The problem is that I don't feel like going. Although I don't begrudge her the comfort her faith brings her, I even have no interest and don't need to feel pressured to participate.

How can I back down gracefully without hurting her feelings?

Dear agnostic: I imagine that honesty just isn’t only required on this context, but can be probably the most dignified method to take care of it.

You must state the next: “I am very pleased that you have renewed your faith, but over the years we have known each other, I have made my own decision regarding religion and do not participate in it. I will not be attending your baptism ceremony, but I hope it will be a joyful event for you and I wish you all the best as you continue your journey of faith.”

You can't really control your friend's response to this, but while she has the appropriate to affirm her beliefs, you furthermore may have the appropriate to affirm your individual stance on religion. Neither of it’s best to proselytize, and it’s best to decide to carry on in an attitude of mutual respect.

Dear Amy: I answer “Worried Grandparents” who were caring for their grandchild while the kid’s parents were working. The grandparents desired to allow the granddaughter to take a nap within the morning, although the parents were against it.

The parents don't want their daughter to sleep within the morning. That ought to be it. She is their child they usually ought to be the deciding consider what’s best for her.

Dear Sir or Madam, I disagree: I imagine that keeping a drained 15 month old awake just isn’t one of the best thing for the kid.

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