Exploding stars emit powerful bursts of energy – I'm leading a citizen science project to categorise and learn more about these brilliant flashes

When distant stars explode, they send out flashes of energy called energy bolts Gamma ray bursts which might be brilliant enough for telescopes on Earth to see. Studying these pulses, which may arise from the merger of some exotic astronomical objects comparable to black holes and neutron stars, may be helpful Astronomers like me understand the history of the universe.

Space telescopes detect a median of 1 gamma-ray burst per day, adding to 1000’s of bursts discovered through the years, and a community of volunteers makes research into these bursts possible.

On November 20, 2004, NASA launched the Neil Gehrel's Swift Observatory, also generally known as Swift. Swift is a multi-wavelength space telescope that scientists need to use to search out out more about these mysterious gamma-ray bursts from the universe.

Gamma ray bursts normally last for a really short time, from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes, and most of their emission is available in the shape of gamma rays, that are a part of the sunshine spectrum that our eyes cannot see. Gamma rays contain numerous energy and may damage human tissue and DNA.

Fortunately, Earth's atmosphere blocks most gamma rays from space, but that also means the one solution to observe gamma ray bursts is with an area telescope like Swift. Over the course of his 19 years of observations Swift observed above 1,600 gamma ray bursts. The information collected from these bursts helps astronomers on the bottom measure the distances to those objects.

A cylindrical spaceship with two flat solar panels, one on each side.
NASA's Swift Observatory, which detects gamma rays.
NASA E/PO, Sonoma State University/Aurore Simonnet

A glance back in time

Data from Swift and other observatories have taught astronomers that gamma-ray bursts are one of the crucial powerful explosions within the universe. They are so brilliant that space telescopes like Swift can detect them throughout the universe.

In fact, gamma ray bursts are one in all them most distant astrophysical objects observed with telescopes.

Because light travels at a finite speed, astronomers are essentially looking back in time when they appear further into the universe.

The farthest gamma-ray burst ever observed occurred to date away that its light took 13 billion years to succeed in Earth. So when telescopes took pictures of this gamma-ray burst, they observed the event because it appeared 13 billion years ago.

Gamma ray bursts allow astronomers to do that Learn more concerning the history of the universeincluding changes in birth rates and the masses of stars over time.

Types of gamma ray bursts

Astronomers now know that these fundamentally exist two forms of gamma ray bursts – long and short. They are classified in response to the duration of their pulse. The long gamma-ray bursts have pulses longer than two seconds, and no less than a few of these events are related to supernovae – exploding stars.

When a large star, or a star no less than eight times more massive than our Sun, runs out of fuel, it explodes as a supernova and collapses into either a neutron star or a black hole.

Both neutron stars and black holes are extremely compact. If you shrunk the complete sun to about 12 miles in diameter, or the scale of Manhattan, that might be the case as dense as a neutron star.

Some particularly massive stars may emit beams of sunshine once they explode. These jets are concentrated beams of sunshine powered by structured magnetic fields and charged particles. When these jets are aimed toward Earth, telescopes like Swift will achieve this detect a gamma ray burst.

Emission of gamma ray bursts.

On the opposite hand, short gamma ray bursts have pulses shorter than two seconds. Astronomers suspect that almost all of those short bursts occur when either two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole merge.

When a neutron star gets too close to a different neutron star or a black hole, the 2 objects orbit one another, creeping ever closer as they lose a few of their energy to gravitational waves.

These objects eventually merge and emit short beams. When the short jets are aimed toward Earth, space telescopes can detect them as short bursts of gamma rays.

Neutron star mergers produce gamma ray bursts.

Classification of gamma ray bursts

It shouldn’t be all the time really easy to categorise outbreaks as short or long. In recent years, astronomers have discovered some strange short gamma-ray bursts related to supernovae as a substitute of the expected mergers. And they’ve found some long gamma-ray bursts which might be linked to mergers relatively than supernovae.

These puzzling cases show that astronomers don't fully understand how gamma-ray bursts form. They suggest that astronomers need a greater understanding of gamma-ray pulse shapes to raised link the pulses to their origins.

However, it’s difficult to systematically classify the heart beat shape, which is different from the heart beat duration. Pulse shapes may be extremely diverse and sophisticated. Until now, even machine learning algorithms haven’t been in a position to appropriately detect all of the detailed pulse structures that astronomers are thinking about.

Nine graphs with count on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis showing different pulse shapes.
Gamma ray bursts have different shapes that describe how they release energy over time. Here is a small subset of the gamma-ray bursts discovered by Swift, providing insight into the variety of those pulse shapes.

Community science

My colleagues and I enlisted the assistance of NASA volunteers to discover pulse structures. Volunteers learn to discover the heart beat structures, then view the photographs on their very own computer and classify them.

Our preliminary results suggest that these volunteers – also called citizen scientists – can quickly learn and recognize the complex structures of gamma ray pulses. Analyzing this data will help astronomers higher understand how these mysterious bursts arise.

Our team hopes to learn whether further gamma-ray bursts within the sample will challenge the present short- and long-term classification. We will use the information to look at the history of the universe in additional detail Observations of gamma ray bursts.

This citizen science project, called Burst Chaserhas grown since our preliminary findings and we’re actively recruiting recent volunteers to affix our mission to explore the mysterious origins behind these outbreaks.

image credit : theconversation.com