Health | Sugar cravings could possibly be attributable to loneliness, in response to a study

If you spent a lonely night at home eating chocolate and/or ice cream, you shouldn't feel guilty. That's because loneliness may cause strong cravings for sugary foods, a brand new study has found.

Published in JAMA Network OpenResearchers linked the brain chemistry of people who find themselves socially isolated to poor mental health, weight gain, cognitive decline and chronic diseases reminiscent of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Researchers examined how brain chemistry changes and processes food cues based on social attitudes in 93 premenopausal participants. Their results showed that those that experienced loneliness or isolation had higher body fat and poorer eating behaviors, reminiscent of: B. Food addiction and uncontrolled eating.

Using MRI scans, scientists monitored how participants responded to abstract images of sweet and savory foods. The results showed that those that experienced isolation had probably the most activity in certain regions of the brain that play a key role in responding to sugar cravings. The same participants showed a lower response in regions involving self-control.

“Social isolation can cause food cravings that are similar to cravings for social contact,” Gupta said. “We show that our social connections determine how we eat unhealthy foods – especially high-calorie foods and sweets.”

If you’ve social anxiety and are inclined to self-isolate, there are methods to beat this. in response to Calm.

Identify your triggers

Writing down what you don't like about an event – including the atmosphere, people and activities – will aid you create a plan to unravel each problem. For example, should you don't like busy spaces, discuss why that’s with a therapist or a trusted friend. Instead of throwing yourself full-force into an all-night rave, start small and throw a banquet.

According to Better UpIdentifying your triggers forces you to “face your vulnerabilities, which can reduce stress.”

Focus on others

According to Calm, most social anxiety stems from fear of being judged. When you're out and about, focus not on yourself, but on the people around you. If you're feeling bad, compliment someone and begin a conversation. Or, if needed, take a break and find an area for respiratory exercises.

Replace negative thoughts

For every self-criticism, give yourself not less than three or more compliments until the negative thoughts disappear. Here some examples from the Mayo Clinic.

•Instead: “It's too complicated.” Try this: “I'll approach it from a different angle.”

•Instead: “I don’t have the resources.” Try this: “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

•Instead: “I'm too lazy to do this.” Try this: “I couldn't fit this into my schedule, but I can re-examine some priorities.”

If you might be affected by social anxiety or self-isolation, it can be crucial to hunt help and a trusted community to aid you overcome the fear. Uncontrolled overthinking and pessimistic self-talk can result in anxiety disorders or depression.

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