New poll shows Trump ahead, rosy memories of his presidency


A brand new survey published by CNN on Sunday found that former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden 49% to 43% nationally and that a majority of Americans consider Trump's presidency was successful and Biden's presidency was a failure.

The poll found that 55% of Americans view Trump's presidency as successful, in comparison with just 39% who view Biden's presidency as successful.

This result reflects changing perceptions of Trump's presidency since he left office: In a CNN poll in January 2021, the numbers were exactly the other: 55% of Americans viewed his term as a failure. There are signs that many citizens' memories of the Trump administration have faded or postponed since then.

The poll, which shows no improvement for Biden within the head-to-head because the last CNN poll in January, is in contrast to the general trend of the last two months. Since Biden gave his State of the Union address in early March, a Series of surveys – including one from and the Siena College Research Institute The document, released in mid-April, showed that he was reducing Trump's advantage.

With about six months to go until Election Day, many sources of uncertainty remain.

Economic developments, events in Gaza or changes in Biden's policies there, in addition to legal and legislative changes in abortion access could shape voters' views before they go to the polls. And hanging over every thing are the criminal charges against Trump, with a verdict in at the very least one case — the hush money trial in New York City that began this month — expected before November.

This article originally appeared in .

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