The best travel suggestions for introverts, really helpful by introverts

The considered 24/7 “togetherness” – with friends, family, or strangers grouped together in a travel group – will be overwhelming for people 57% of individuals are likely to be introverted.

Traveling alone will be suitable for introverts, who are likely to change into energized by time spent alone. But although its popularity is increasing, most trips are taken with other people.

But most awkward moments will be avoided by following a few of these basic rules that other introverts offer.

Rule 1: The “golden rule” for group travel

By far the preferred advice: book your personal room.

“This allows for time out in the morning and evening to defuse, regroup and refresh,” said Jenny Olsen, a Los Angeles-based public relations consultant who describes herself as a “total introverted traveler.”

If you’ve to share a room, she said, attempt to sleep in. “Then order room service so you can eat breakfast alone in bed.”

In fact, Olsen recommends ordering room service once a day, be it “breakfast, dinner, or a late-night dessert.”

Dori Nix, marketing and communications director for the Colorado-based, women-owned travel company Adventure in good companyalso recommends staying alone, even when you’ve to pay a single room complement.

“Having a space to relax at the end of each day is often the only way to function in social settings throughout the day,” she said. “It’s a safe place to escape.”

Rule #2: Don't let speakers trap you

In Psychology todayAuthor Sophia Dembling warns introverts to research group trips rigorously.

“A tour bus full of Europe newbies might contain a lot of very friendly people who love making friends,” she wrote. “And I don’t mean that in a good way.”

Headphones are a superb option to ward off unwanted conversations, especially on flights, said John Hackston, head of thought leadership on the The Myers Briggs Company.

The Myers-Briggs type indicator Evaluation is a well-liked test for determining introversion and extroversion tendencies, terms popularized greater than a century ago by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.

For some introverts, talking to strangers will be uncomfortable, Hackston said. He suggests an exit strategy.

“Be prepared to 'go to the bathroom' or 'go to make a phone call' if you need to leave,” he said.

What Types of Travel Should Introverts Avoid?

  • Large tour groups (30+ travelers)
  • Busy schedules
  • Crowded places and party destinations
  • Constant social interaction
  • Where double occupancy is the one option
  • Lots of travel time

Source: Kelly Kimple and Dori Nix, Adventures in Good Company

Travel journalist Patty Civalleri also said introverts shouldn't be passive in such situations. Her advice: Don't be trapped by an limitless talker.

“If you feel the need to break out of a conversation, just look over the shoulder of the person speaking and say something like, 'Wow, look over there. That looks interesting. Excuse me while I look at it,'” she emailed CNBC Travel during a group trip to Mazatlán, Mexico: “Or 'I see a great photo or selfie, opp. I’ll grab it before it goes away.”

Rule #3: Be aware of the necessity for “alone time.”

Talk to your travel companions before traveling, said Jonathan Feniak, general counsel at law firm LLC Attorney.

“When I was younger, I didn’t realize that I needed some alone time to recharge my social batteries,” he said. “After seven-plus days of being around people 24/7, it's becoming increasingly difficult to maintain that energy without an hour here or there. That’s why I now inform my companions about these needs in advance.”

That lets people know they're not “the problem,” he said.

“If they only find out about your introverted personality mid-vacation, they may misinterpret your energy or take it personally,” he said.

Although Western societies have long rewarded extroverted “more is better” types, there's nothing unsuitable with wanting space from the group, Civalleri said.

“Never be afraid to ask for alone time. We all need a break from others, from activities and from the world,” she told CNBC Travel. “Time just relaxing alone by the pool with a book can be very therapeutic.”

Hackston of the Myers-Briggs Company said introverts should set boundaries on vacation, which might sometimes mean doing their very own thing.

“You don’t have to attend every minute of every planned activity in your group,” he said. “Spending hours in a library or museum can be boring for some, but if that's your thing, take time to explore at your own pace.”

Rule 4: Keep groups small, but not too small

Kelly Kimple, CEO of Adventures in Good Company, has one rule: no large tour buses.

“As an introvert, I definitely need small groups,” she said. “I also need to minimize time in vehicles. Long journeys in confined spaces where you have to talk for hours can be tiring for introverts!”

Kimple, a field biologist from rural New Hampshire, said she prefers trips with loads of quiet time. Her company organizes outdoor trips for small groups of ladies that include activities equivalent to mountaineering and even mountaineering Sketching within the Rocky Mountains.

Some introverts prefer traveling alone, but Brooke Webber, a Los Angeles-based marketing skilled, recommends traveling in a small group.

“More people might sound like a nightmare to a true introvert, but for me it was easier to have 'me time' when needed,” she said. “If you are traveling in a group of more than three people, do not leave a companion alone if you want to take a few hours or a day to explore the area alone or to rest.”

The ability to disconnect at any time gives Webber energy, she said, and “I'm less likely to have to take advantage of it because I feel like my social time is an option and not an obligation.”

David Ciccarelli, CEO of vacation rental website Lake, said he's also a fan of traveling with a small group of friends, occasionally opting to go on a visit only to “rejoin the group” later.

He recommends packing just a few things to dam out the world.

“My earplugs and eye mask are a must,” he said. “They help me switch off at night and enjoy some privacy on long train rides, flights or a hotel room nap.”

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