The San Jose mayor's bodyguard was attacked during an interview

SAN JOSE – A person was arrested early Tuesday evening on suspicion of assaulting a plainclothes police officer assigned to guard San Jose Mayor Mahan, police said.

According to an announcement from San Jose police, the incident occurred just after 6 p.m. The mayor was being interviewed by a journalist when a person “began behaving erratically toward him and surrounding employees,” police said.

A plainclothes police officer assigned to Mahan's security detail intervened and attempted to de-escalate the situation, police said. However, the suspect “became increasingly agitated and threatened the officer as he approached him.”

Despite repeated attempts to de-escalate, the suspect continued to advance toward the officer and eventually struck him, police said. Footage of the incident posted on social media showed the suspect punching the officer in the top.

The officer attempted to detain the suspect, and after a minute-long struggle, he was finally captured with the assistance of several bystanders, police said.

The suspect was taken to Santa Clara County Jail on a charge of assault on a police officer.

Meanwhile, the officer was examined at a neighborhood hospital for minor injuries.

Police said the motive and circumstances surrounding the incident were under investigation.

In an announcement late Monday night, Mahan Chief Communications Officer Tasha Dean said the mayor was grateful to his security team and police.

“The officer’s actions tonight were heroic and a testament to the de-escalation training that makes our officers effective, compassionate and guardians of the community’s trust,” Dean said.

“His thoughts are with the officer and he hopes for a speedy recovery,” Dean continued. “The mayor knows how privileged he is to have an armed officer protecting him at all times and is committed to creating a safer city for everyone.”

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

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