An aging global population and rising temperatures mean tens of millions of persons are in danger

A deadly heat wave affected large parts of Asia for weeks in April and May 2024. As temperatures climbed above 43.3 degrees Celsius in India on May 7, campaigning politicians, local news anchors and voters stood in long queues fainted from the oppressive heat.

From Japan within the north to the Philippines within the south, the unrelenting heat has disrupted on a regular basis life. Students and teachers were in Cambodia sent home from school, as their handheld fans offered little protection from the oppressive heat and humidity of their poorly ventilated classrooms. Farmers in Thailand watched their crops wither and mourned the lack of livestock dying under the punishing sun. Hundreds of individuals died from the warmth.

Most of the planet has suffered the dire effects of utmost heat in recent times.

Per week-long heat wave within the southwestern United States in 2023 has been described as “hell of Earth” in Phoenix, where temperatures rose 110 F (43.3 C) or higher for 31 days straight. At the identical time, unprecedentedly high temperatures occurred in Europe Hundreds killed and contributed to devastating wildfires in Greece.

A man sits on a chair next to a cooler in the back of a truck with his eyes closed.
The summer of 2023 was the most popular summer on record worldwide. For individuals who work outside, like this fruit seller in Texas, shade was often the one relief from the warmth.
AP Photo/David J. Phillip

Regardless of where or when a heat wave strikes, one pattern is constant: Older people die most frequently affected by extreme heat, and this crisis will worsen in the approaching years.

We study climate change And Aging of the population. Our research documents two global trends that together portend a bleak future.

Older adults are at higher risk for warmth stress

Firstly, temperatures are hotter than ever. The nine-year period 2015 to 2023 saw the very best average temperatures since global records began in 1880.

Second, the worldwide population is aging. By 2050, the number of individuals aged 60 and over will double almost 2.1 billion, which accounts for 21% of the world's population. This share is now 13%.

These combined forces mean that more vulnerable older adults can be exposed to increasing heat.

An elderly man driving an electric rickshaw with two passengers sits in traffic in direct sunlight on a hot day.  He wore a headscarf over his head to provide shade.
Rickshaw drivers have little likelihood of escaping the sun in New Delhi on May 3, 2024.
Arun Sankar/AFP via Getty Images

To understand future risks, we developed population forecasts for various age groups and combined them Climate change scenarios for the approaching many years. Our evaluation shows that by 2050, greater than 23% of the world's population aged 69 and older will live in regions where peak temperatures routinely exceed 99.5°F (37.5°C), in comparison with just 14% today.

That means as much as 250 million additional older adults can be exposed to dangerously high temperatures.

Mapping the information shows that the majority of those older people live in low- to middle-income countries where there are inadequate services and limited access to electricity, refrigeration and clean water.

In historically cooler regions of the worldwide north, including North America and Europe, rising temperatures can be the first explanation for heat exposure amongst older people. In historically warmer regions of the Global South akin to Asia, Africa and South America, population growth and increasing life expectancy mean that a rapidly increasing variety of older adults will face increasing heat-related risks.

Policymakers, communities, families and older residents themselves need to pay attention to these risks and be prepared, as older persons are particularly sensitive to heat.

Extreme heat is especially harmful to older people

High temperatures are oppressive for everybody except… In older adults they could be fatal.

Extreme heat worsens and could cause common age-related health conditions akin to heart, lung and kidney disease cause delirium. Elderly people don't sweat a lot than younger people, making it harder for his or her bodies to chill down when temperatures rise. These problems are exacerbated by shared Prescription drugsB. Anticholinergics, which further reduce the power to sweat.

Spending time outdoors in hot, humid weather can result in dehydration, an issue made worse by the uncomfortable side effects Prescription drugs akin to diuretics and beta blockers. Dehydration could cause weakness and dizziness in older adults and increase the danger of falls and injuries. These threats are even worse in regions without access secure and reasonably priced drinking water.

An elderly woman holds a glass of water next to a list of safety tips for older adults exposed to heat waves.
Tips for stopping heat illness can save lives, but they could be difficult to follow even in wealthy countries.
Ohio Department of Aging

poor Air quality makes respiration difficult, especially for many who have already got lung problems akin to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD.

For older adults with physical health problems, temperatures akin to: low as 80 F (26.7°C) can pose a big hazard. And when humidity is as much as 90%, even 78°F (25.6°C) could be dangerous for older adults.

Night heat is especially harmful to older adults whose homes should not have air con or who I can't afford it to run their air con systems for an extended time frame. The ideal temperature for restful sleep for older people is between 20 and 25 °Cand sleep quality decreases as temperatures rise. An evening of restless sleep could cause an older adult to grow to be more depressed and confused while awake. Medication can too lose their effectiveness when stored in locations significantly warmer than 25°C.

Older adults may suffer emotionally during oppressive heat waves

Being stuck indoors in unbearable temperatures could cause boredom in older adults. depressed and isolated. individuals with Cognitive impairments You could also be underestimating the risks of utmost heat or not understanding heat advisories.

Those who’ve limited physical mobility or lack of access to transportation It's hard to drive to public cooling centers (if there’s one nearby) or find relief there near “green and blue areas”.“like parks and lakes.”

These threats are particularly dire Low and middle income countrieswhere older persons are more more likely to live in substandard housing and lack access to quality healthcare or ways to chill off in hot weather. We are talking here about “systemic lack of cooling.”

What could be done?

Policymakers can work to cut back greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants and factories that drive global warming, and develop effective plans to guard older people from heat risks. Older people and their caregivers can too Customization steps.

However, aid measures should be tailored to every region and population.

Wealthy communities can increase public investment in early Warning systems and transportation to cooling centers and hospitals. They can use geographic information systems to discover neighborhoods with high concentrations of older people and expand power grids to satisfy increasing air con needs.

A woman and a young girl sit in the shadows in front of a small building with louvers in the doors and an unsafe-looking roof.
In poorer countries, many households and businesses don’t have any strategy to cool down in hot weather.
Sudipta Das/NurPhoto via Getty Images

In regions with substandard housing, limited access to scrub water and few public support facilities akin to cooling centers, much greater changes is required. Providing higher health care, water and housing, and reducing air pollution, which may mitigate health problems during heatwaves, requires significant changes and investments that many countries can in poor health afford.

The World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization warn: This decade can be crucial to organize communities for increasing heat and the danger of an aging population. Across regions, researchers, practitioners and policymakers could save lives in the event that they heed her call.

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