Biden calls Japan and India “xenophobic” nations


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has called Japan and India “xenophobic” countries that don’t welcome immigrants. He lumped the 2 along with opponents China and Russia while trying to clarify their economic situation and compared the 4 countries to the United States on immigration.

The comments got here at a campaign fundraiser on Wednesday evening, just three weeks after the White House hosted Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for a celebratory official visit during which the 2 leaders celebrated what Biden called an “unbreakable alliance.” referred to, particularly in the world of ​​global security matters.

The White House hosted Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi on a state visit last summer.

Japan is a crucial ally of the USA. And India, one in all the world's fastest-growing economies, is a crucial partner within the Indo-Pacific region despite differences in human rights.

At a hotel fundraiser where the donor audience was largely Asian Americans, Biden said the upcoming U.S. election is about “freedom, America and democracy” and that the country's economy is “because of you and many others.” flourish.

“Why? Because we welcome immigrants,” Biden said. “Look, think about it. Why is China faltering so much economically? Why is Japan having problems? Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they're xenophobic. They don't want any Immigrant.”

The president added: “Immigrants make us strong. No joke. That’s not an exaggeration because we have an influx of workers who want to be here and contribute.”

There was no immediate response from either the Japanese or Indian governments. White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Biden made a broader statement in regards to the U.S. stance on immigration.

“Our allies and partners know full well how President Biden values ​​them, their friendship, their cooperation and the skills they bring to the table on a range of issues, not just security,” Kirby said Thursday morning when asked about Biden's concerns became “xenophobic” statements. “You understand how much he fully values ​​the idea of ​​alliances and partnerships.”

Biden's comments got here firstly of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and he was introduced on the fundraiser by Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., one in all two senators of Asian American descent. She is a national co-chair for his re-election campaign.

Japan has acknowledged problems with its shrinking population and the variety of babies born within the country in 2023 fell for the eighth straight 12 months, based on data released in February. Kishida has called Japan's low birth rate “Japan's biggest crisis,” and the country has long been known for a more closed attitude toward immigration, although Kishida's government has modified its policies in recent times to make it easier for foreigners to immigrate Workers come to Japan.

Meanwhile, India's population has grown to the most important on the planet, with the United Nations saying it’s heading in the right direction to achieve 1.425 billion people. The population also tends to be younger. Earlier this 12 months, India passed a brand new citizenship law that hastens the naturalization of Hindus, Parsis, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Christians who’ve fled to India from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan. But it excludes Muslims, who’re the bulk in all three nations. It is the primary time that India has set religious criteria for citizenship.

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