I believe my husband is infecting me with a parasitic fungus

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I even have been married for 30 years, but have never really been pleased together.

Recently, when one in all my infections spread to my sinuses and eye, I moved out of the master suite and into one in all the children' old rooms.

My skin is clearing now and I’m pain free.

I all the time suspected that my husband may need had something to do with it. I also found a book by him about wild mushrooms. In it he had underlined a piece about parasitic fungi.

What do you think that, Abby?

DEAR SUSPECT: I feel you need to discuss this with the doctors who’ve tried to diagnose the reason for your recurring infections. If your suspicions are correct, you need to speak to the police because your husband could also be guilty of assault with intent to harm you.

This could possibly be your probability to finish your long, unhappy marriage. Please return to the master suite until the matter is resolved to your satisfaction.

DEAR ABBY: I even have been married for 42 years. Three months ago I noticed changes in my husband's behavior.

He had lost two good friends inside two months, so I attributed it to that.

Then sooner or later he asked me to look something up on his phone and I saw text messages between him and a lady named “Ginger” who works for him.

Every evening he invited her to return to the shop with him and drink a beer. Of course she never said no. She also texted him in search of him when he couldn't come and told him she would miss him. My husband is 60; Ginger is 30.

He also tells me that he also has a girlfriend (also 30) who works at an area company. He has confided in her about personal family matters, which I do know she has shared with other people.

I'm at a loss. I'm retired, but I'm all the time able to do anything with him. I even have dinner ready when he gets home after spending an additional hour with Ginger every night.

What can I do to bring my husband home with me? I maintain myself, all the time look good and listen when he talks.

Dear what to do: This may don’t have anything to do with you and every thing to do along with your husband's fear of his own mortality.

Given that he has just lost two close friends within the last three months, the corporate of those young women could possibly be a distraction for him. However, what he’s doing is disrespectful to you and will pose a threat to your marriage.

You appear to be doing all of your best to do your part, but you possibly can't solve the issue on your individual. Maybe it's time so that you can focus less on what he likes and more on what's good for you.

And whilst you're at it, start monitoring his/her financial records to see if there have been any “out of the ordinary” expenses. If that is the case, it might be time to seek the advice of a lawyer.

image credit : www.mercurynews.com