I'm an astrophysicist mapping the universe using data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Clear, sharp photos help me study energetic black holes.

When a star is born or dies, or when another very energetic phenomenon occurs within the universe, it emits X-raysThese are high-energy light particles that usually are not visible to the naked eye. These X-rays are the identical type the doctors use to take pictures of broken bones within the body. But as an alternative of the shadows created by the bones that block X-rays inside an individual, astronomers capture X-rays flying through space to get pictures of events like black holes and supernovas.

Images and spectra—diagrams that show the distribution of an object's light across different wavelengths—are the 2 predominant methods astronomers use to explore the universe. Pictures tell them how things look and where certain phenomena happen, while Spectra tell them how much energy the photons or light particles they collect have. Spectra can tell them how the event they got here from was created. When studying complex objects, they need each imaging and spectra.

Scientists and engineers designed the Chandra X-ray Observatory to detect these X-rays. Since 1999, Chandra's data have provided astronomers with incredibly detailed pictures of among the most dramatic events within the universe.

The Chandra spacecraft looks like a long metal tube with six solar panels emerging from two wings.
The Chandra space probe and its components.
NASA/CXC/STAR & J. Vaughan

When stars are formed and die, supernova explosions occur that hurl chemical elements into space. Chandra observes how gas and stars caught within the deep gravitational pull of black holes and it becomes visible when gas a thousand times hotter than the sun escapes from galaxies in explosive winds. It can develop into visible when the gravity of big masses of dark matter traps this hot gas in huge pockets.

An explosion of light and color and a cloud with bright points of light.
On the left is the supernova Cassiopeia A. The image is about 19 light-years across, and the various colours within the image indicate different chemical elements (red is silicon, yellow is sulfur, cyan is calcium, violet is iron, and blue is high energy). The dot in the center may very well be the neutron star remnant of the exploded star. On the proper are the colliding “Antenna” galaxies, forming a huge structure about 30,000 light-years across.
Chandra X-ray Center

NASA designed Chandra to orbit Earth since it cannot observe any of this activity from the Earth's surface. The Earth's atmosphere absorbs X-rays They come from space, which is great for all times on Earth because these X-rays can harm biological organisms. But that also implies that even when NASA placed Chandra on the very best mountain peak, it still wouldn't give you the option to detect X-rays. NASA needed to send Chandra into space.

Supermassive black holes and their host galaxies

Astronomers have discovered supermassive black holes on the centers of all galaxies, with masses starting from 10 to 100 million times that of our Sun. These supermassive black holes mostly sit peacefully, and astronomers can detect them by observing the gravitational pull they exert on nearby stars.

But sometimes stars or clouds fall into these black holes, which prompts them and causes the region near the black hole to emit many X-rays. Once activated, they’re called energetic galactic nuclei, AGNor quasars.

My colleagues and I wanted to higher understand what happens to the galaxy when its black hole turns into an AGN. We selected a galaxy ESO428-G014to look at it with Chandra.

An AGN can outshine its host galaxy, meaning that more light comes from the AGN than from all the celebs and other objects within the host galaxy. The AGN also emits lots of energy inside the boundaries of its host galaxy. This effect, what astronomers call feedbackis a vital component for researchers creating simulations that model the evolution of the Universe over time. But we don't yet know exactly what role the energy of an AGN plays within the formation of stars in its host galaxy.

Fortunately, images from Chandra can provide necessary insights. I take advantage of computational techniques to create and process images from the observatory that may tell me something about these AGNs.

Three images of a black hole, from low to high resolution, with a bright spot above and to the right of center, surrounded by clouds.
Achieving the final word Chandra resolution. From left to right you see the raw image, the identical image at a better resolution, and the image after applying a smoothing algorithm.
G. Fabbiano

The energetic supermassive black hole in ESO 428-G014 produces X-rays that illuminate a big area which may be as much as 15,000 light-years away from the black hole. The basic image I created of ESO 428-G014 with Chandra data tells me that the region near the middle is the brightest and that there’s a large, elongated region of X-ray emission.

The same data, at barely higher resolution, show two distinct regions of high X-ray emission. There is a “head” enclosing the middle and a rather curved “tail” extending downward from this central region.

I can even process the info with an adaptive smoothing algorithm, which brings the image as much as a fair higher resolution and produces a clearer picture of what the galaxy looks like. This shows clouds of gas around the brilliant center.

My team was in a position to observe among the ways wherein the AGN interacts with the galaxy. The pictures show Nuclear winds sweeping through the galaxy, dense clouds and interstellar gas reflecting X-rays, and jets emitting radio waves that heat up clouds within the galaxy.

These images show us how this feedback process works intimately and methods to measure the quantity of energy an AGN emits. These results will help researchers create more realistic simulations of the evolution of the universe.

The next 25 years of X-ray astronomy

The yr 2024 will mark the twenty fifth yr since Chandra began observing the sky. My colleagues and I proceed to depend on Chandra to reply questions on the origin of the universe that no other telescope can.

By providing astronomers with X-ray data, Chandra's data complement the data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope and provides astronomers unique answers to open questions in astrophysics, equivalent to the origin of the supermassive black holes that lie at the middle of all galaxies.

To answer this query, astronomers used Chandra to watch a distant galaxy first discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope. This galaxy emitted the sunshine captured by Webb 13.4 billion years ago, when the universe was still young. Chandra's X-ray data revealed a vibrant supermassive black hole on this galaxy and suggested that supermassive black holes may very well be found throughout the universe. Collapsing clouds within the early universe.

Sharp imaging was crucial for these discoveries. But Chandra is predicted to only last 10 yearsTo proceed the seek for answers, astronomers must begin developing a “super Chandra” X-ray observatory that might replace Chandra in the approaching a long time, but NASA has not yet announced any concrete plans on this regard.

image credit : theconversation.com