Oakland Airport strikes back, suing San Francisco over name dispute

OAKLAND — East Bay officials responded with a lawsuit against San Francisco in the newest twist arising from an increasingly convoluted legal battle over the renaming of Oakland International Airport.

The Port of Oakland is searching for to rename the East Bay aviation hub to San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport in an effort to significantly increase the travel complex's global and online profile.

San Francisco sued Oakland on April 18, saying the proposed latest name for the East Bay Aviation Complex would cause confusion and violate the trademark status of the San Francisco International Airport name.

On Thursday, the Port of Oakland hit back with a lawsuit of its own, responding to the lawsuit and counterclaiming the lawsuit San Francisco previously filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of San Francisco International Airport, also referred to as SFO.

“The Port seeks a declaratory judgment requiring the court to determine that the new name does not infringe SFO's trademark … and that SFO's trademark does not extend to the use of 'San Francisco Bay,'” the Port of Oakland said in a press release a prepared publication.

San Francisco officials say they’ve tried multiple times to work with Port of Oakland officials to seek out another name for the East Bay airport to avoid a full-scale legal battle.

“We had hoped that Oakland would come to its senses,” San Francisco District Attorney David Chiu said in a press release. “Defendant (Oakland’s) refusal to cooperate on an acceptable alternative name leaves us no choice but to file a lawsuit to protect SFO’s trademark.”

But San Francisco airport officials worry that selecting a brand new name with “San Francisco” at first could cause confusion.

“In particular, Oakland Airport's proposal to put 'San Francisco' at the beginning of its new name, closely followed by the words 'International Airport,' is problematic because it will almost certainly cause confusion among consumers and the public at large “San Francisco said in its lawsuit.

Oakland airport officials believe the San Francisco lawsuit is an attempt to leave consumers unclear about the air travel options they have when choosing between San Francisco airport and the East Bay aviation hub.

“The San Francisco City Attorney’s decision to pursue litigation is an attempt to halt consumer education, prevent expanded air travel options for Bay Area residents and visitors, and is a misuse of San Francisco taxpayer dollars,” said attorney Mary Richardson of the Port of Oakland.

The East Bay Airport said it’s willing to work with San Francisco International Airport to expand alternative for air travelers.

“Oakland International Airport is committed to improving its flight routes and increasing competition for the benefit of all visitors and residents of the San Francisco Bay Area, including those residing in the city and county of San Francisco,” Richardson said.

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