Over half of young people plan to vote in November. Will you?

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More than half of young Americans say they plan to vote within the 2024 presidential election, a Opinion poll from the Institute of Politics (IOP) at Harvard Kennedy School.

“As the rematch between Biden and Trump takes shape, we are seeing strong engagement and interest in voting among young Americans,” John Della Volpe, IOP elections director, said in an announcement opinion. “Make no mistake, this is a different young electorate than we saw in 2020 and 2022, and young voters are motivated by different things.”

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The Opinion pollThe study, released in mid-April, found that amongst 18- to 29-year-olds nationwide, 53% of young Americans said they might “definitely vote in the 2024 presidential election.” According to the survey, President Joe Biden is ahead of former President Donald Trump by 13 percentage points in a head-to-head duel.

The survey surveyed 2,1010 young Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 and was conducted between March 14 and March 21, 2024.

Young Americans were also asked about a wide range of current political issues, including the Israel-Hamas war. The results show that young Americans broadly support a everlasting ceasefire in Gaza by a margin of 5 to 1 (51% in favor, 10% against), although respondents remain concerned about Israel's response to the Hamas attack on October 7 The poll found 36% of Republicans approved of Israel's actions, while 44% of Democrats and 30% of independents disapproved.

As for other national issues, the economy was top of mind for young Americans. When asked an open-ended query about which national issue frightened them most, the survey found just over 1 / 4 (27%) said something related to the economy. In particular, inflation, healthcare, housing and jobs were key areas of concern.

Will you vote within the presidential election this November? Which national issues are most significant to you?

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