Road Scholar downgrades traveler from business to economy traveler

Dear travel problem solver: I actually have just accomplished a Road Scholar trip to Egypt, but on the way in which home British Airways canceled my flight 4 hours before it was scheduled to depart. My ticket was in business class, but British Airways rebooked me on Egyptair to a free seat behind the plane in economy class. The ticket cost British Airways $416.

Christopher Elliott, the travel troubleshooter...
Christopher Elliott, the travel troubleshooter

I spent $3,000 on a business class flight. I would love to be refunded the worth difference. But thus far each Road Scholar and British Airways have refused. Can you help?

ANSWER: Flight cancellations occur. However, if that is so, it’s best to receive a refund on your downgrade from Business Class to Economy Class.

British Airways' General Conditions of Carriage – the legal agreement between you and the airline – governs a schedule change just like the one you've experienced. It specifically states that if there may be a price difference and you utilize the ticket, you’ll receive a refund. Road Scholar's Terms and Conditions don’t govern an involuntary downgrade akin to the one you could have suffered.

There are also Department of Transportation rules that should be followed. It states that in the event you are involuntarily moved to a lower class of service, you might be entitled to a refund. For example, in the event you buy a firstclass ticket and are downgraded to economy class as a result of an aircraft change, the airline must refund the worth difference. If your flight had originated within the United States, DOT rules would have applied.

I believe you could have good reasons for a refund. So what's occurring here? I've reviewed the paper trail between you and Road Scholar. Since the tour operator had booked your flights, they were liable for issuing your refund, so that you had come to the appropriate place. But after 4 months we couldn't get any further. It was time to call my advocacy team.

I couldn’t see any reason for the delay in your refund. In fact, two other members of your party had already filed successful bank card disputes to get better their money. By the way in which, I don't recommend doing this as a primary step to getting your a reimbursement. It is all the time higher to ask the corporate for a refund first. Road Scholar's senior contacts could be found on my consumer protection page.

I actually have contacted Road Scholar in your behalf. Shortly thereafter, a representative responded to me.
“I am pleased to announce that we have resolved the situation with Maureen and are issuing her a refund,” she said. “Your previous complaints had ended up in the wrong department. Thank you for prompting us to escalate so we could get them to talk to the right people to resolve their issue.”

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