The Japanese government issues “rules of life” to make it easier for foreigners to integrate

Japan recently introduced a Visa for digital nomads which allows foreigners from 49 countries to remain within the country for six months.

But before you pack your bags, you would possibly want to examine out Japan’s “Life and work guide“, which aims to help foreigners integrate.

Published by the Japanese Immigration Service, the guide provides advice on immigration, medical care and housing. But the chapter about “Daily rules and customs“Here, foreigners can find specific references to “rules of life” that illustrate the principles of life in Japan Focus on collectivism and respect.

Here are a number of the rules.

1. Make noise

According to the rules, “Japanese people tend to think that loud noises and voices disturb others.”

Not only the quantity of parties and music, but in addition that of voices and televisions ought to be kept to a minimum, the guide says.

Foreigners are also advised to avoid noise when “using a washing machine or vacuum cleaner, or taking a shower early in the morning or late at night.”

Even on buses and trains, it is probably not enough to hearken to music through headphones.

“Make sure that your music is not too loud and cannot be heard outside of the headphones,” the guide says.

2. Behavior when coughing

Section 2.2 of the regulations deals exclusively with “coughing manners”.

There are even separate rules for “sudden” coughs and chronic coughs.

“If you suddenly cough or sneeze, do so into your elbow or the sleeves of your jacket,” it says. “Don’t use your hands.”

Others should wear a mask, they are saying.

Wearing masks was a an integral a part of on a regular basis Japanese life Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, in line with the Foreign Ministry, due to the country’s concentrate on personal hygiene and cleanliness.

“There is a culture of consideration in Japan,” the Foreign Ministry said in an article about mask culture. “These distinctive features of the Japanese increased their awareness of not causing trouble to others around them, and this may have contributed to the widespread use of masks.”

According to the ministry, using masks in Japan gained prominence throughout the Spanish Flu, which began in 1918, and increased over time. They are actually considered a “stylish fashion item,” it said.

3. No phones on bicycles

Many countries ban using cell phones while driving. In Japan this rule also applies to bicycles.

Bicycles are a preferred technique of transport within the country for locals and tourists. Many tourist destinations offer rental bikes. in line with Japan Guide.

4. Behavior in public transport

Making phone calls on buses and trains is frowned upon in Japan.

The guide highlighted that such a gesture is taken into account extremely rude because it “disturbs other people”.

Even talking to people sitting next to you possibly can be offensive in Japan – if it’s too loud.

“Speaking in a loud voice is considered a violation of conduct,” say the rules regarding passengers on buses and trains.

According to this, most Japanese passengers stand or sit in silence when traveling on public trains Japan Rail Passan internet site for train travel in Japan.

Foreigners are expected to abide by these rules and are reminded to only speak to the train driver in “emergency situations,” it said.

Anyone who has ever been hit in the pinnacle by a stray backpack will appreciate the federal government's latest tip for public transport: “If a bus or train is crowded, make sure your backpack does not disturb other people.”

Why Japan’s advice is so detailed

Japan is an ethnically homogeneous country with lower immigration rates than other countries, said Henri Vlahović, executive director of Meiji Academy, a college for Japanese language and culture.

Therefore, it’s specializing in preserving its culture by encouraging foreigners to assimilate, he said.

“Immigration is usually seen as something more sensitive,” Vlahović said. “The government is very keen to reduce or avoid any kind of trouble that could arise from foreigners not following certain rules.”

Vlahović explained that these rules dictate how Japanese society functions and that also they are expected of foreigners living in and visiting Japan.

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