There is more at stake than meets the attention, so quality information is crucial

With the July 4 election looming, it could possibly feel just like the final result is already a done deal. Labour has had a decisive lead within the polls for over a 12 months, and nothing Rishi Sunak does seems to vary that.

But beneath the surface, there continues to be rather a lot at stake on this six-week election campaign.

First of all, there isn’t a final result possible from this election campaign that may not be described as monumental. If Keir Starmer wins, he could have pulled off essentially the most astonishing electoral turnaround of all time, bringing Labour back to power for the primary time in 14 years. If Rishi Sunak wins, he’ll practically defy gravity.

In Scotland, the SNP's dominance could turn into total annihilation. In Wales, border changes have dramatically altered the electoral map. In Northern Ireland, the DUP is heading into its first real post-Brexit election amid crisis following the arrest of its former leader – while Sinn Féin is regaining popularity.

So Labour’s huge lead within the polls is definitely only a part of the story.

Here at The Conversation, a charity, we’re committed to providing our readers with trustworthy, evidence-based journalism. Over the approaching weeks, we are going to bring you in-depth evaluation of the campaign's developments and fact-check the claims being made.

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We will look closely on the manifestos to discover the guarantees that matter. All parties have big inquiries to answer concerning the way forward for the NHS and the longer term of our planet. All have promised change and renewal after a period of great stress. We imagine that university academics with deep knowledge of their fields are well placed to assist the remainder of us assess the worth of their proposals on all these issues.

If you value high-quality political coverage, support us on this campaign by subscribing to our weekly election newsletter, which provides a summary of crucial information every Friday afternoon.

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