TikTok ban gains popularity amongst voters as AI fuels privacy concerns, poll shows – The Mercury News

Many swing state voters are concerned that the increasing presence of artificial intelligence could someday invade privacy and harm their employment prospects, in keeping with a brand new Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll. The majority also found support for efforts to ban TikTok.

More than half of respondents in seven battleground states predicted negative impacts from AI on privacy, with nearly half seeing negative impacts on jobs in the longer term, the survey found. At the identical time, 45% of respondents believed artificial intelligence would have positive effects on health and 41% on education.

In the poll, half of voters support a ban on TikTok within the U.S. if Beijing-based parent company ByteDance Ltd. doesn’t divest the video-sharing platform under a brand new law signed by President Joe Biden last month. Two-thirds of respondents said they were concerned the app might be utilized by foreign adversaries to gather data and manipulate information within the U.S.

The survey results make clear how Americans view the present tech challenges in Washington, including the rapid emergence of AI, the concentration of market power in a handful of enormous corporations and security concerns raised by TikTok's Chinese ownership. The poll of 4,962 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin has an overall statistical margin of error of 1 percentage point.

Morning Consult senior manager Matt Monday identified privacy as a standard concern amongst voters surveyed, adding that the difficulty has been on the forefront of discussions about Big Tech over the past decade.

“The biggest concern for them is privacy. It's not just AI,” Monday said. “The geopolitics around TikTok and data collection and privacy are a real concern.”

Here's a more in-depth take a look at the outcomes:

The danger and promise of AI

Breakthroughs in AI have stoked fears that it could expose consumers' personal data and cause widespread disruption to the world of labor, whilst it guarantees to remodel swathes of the economy. Policymakers in Washington are attempting to develop rules that minimize the potential risks of AI — particularly the spread of disinformation — while spurring innovation.

In the swing state poll, greater than 4 in 10 registered voters saw AI having a negative impact on national security, and an identical proportion saw a negative impact on US elections. In response to a separate query that didn’t mention artificial intelligence, 60% of voters expressed little confidence that the US election in November can be freed from misinformation.

On Monday, it said the AI ​​results were broken down across generations, with Generation Z voters more optimistic than baby boomers older than 60. Overall, respondents expressed optimistic views about how recent technology could impact some industries.

“The big benefits are health, education and entertainment,” he said. “A majority say they will have a positive rather than a negative effect.” However, within the entertainment industry, AI can be seen as a risk. The SAG-AFTRA union of Hollywood actors and screenwriters went on a four-month strike last 12 months, partly over fears that technology would make them irrelevant.

Tech regulation and antitrust law

Regulation of tech corporations was seen as necessary to 65% of respondents in deciding who they’d vote for within the election. Respondents said they trust presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump over Biden 39% to 35% to oversee the industry as president.

Under Biden, federal antitrust regulators went after Alphabet Inc.'s Google, Amazon.com Inc., Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc. with a barrage of lawsuits alleging anticompetitive behavior that harmed consumers and undercut competitors. More than half of Bloomberg News/Morning Consult survey respondents said they’d support breaking up at the very least certainly one of the 4 corporations.

Opponents in TikTok

Last month, Biden signed a foreign aid bill that requires TikTok's Chinese owners to divest or face a U.S. ban. The company and among the platform's founders have since filed lawsuits to dam the measure, saying it violates their First Amendment right to free speech.

While a majority of respondents supported the divest-or-ban policy, 58% of standard TikTok users surveyed said they were against it. At the identical time, 51% of standard users of the app expressed concerns about foreign data collection.

About 62% of respondents said they were concerned about TikTok's impact on mental health, while 71% expressed concern about its impact on young people.

Swing state voters who support the TikTok ban support Trump by 10 percentage points over Biden – though Biden signed the ban into effect.

“The fact that ban supporters are leaning toward Trump makes sense given the demographics of supporters and opponents,” Monday said. Proponents of the ban are inclined to be Republican, older and fewer prone to use TikTok.

On Monday it was said that Biden had only a two percentage point lead amongst opponents of the ban.

“There are signs that this decision, while a show of bipartisanship, will anger younger voters in his party that he will have to field in November,” he said.


The Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll surveyed 4,962 registered voters in seven swing states: 795 registered voters in Arizona, 795 in Georgia, 704 in Michigan, 459 in Nevada, 704 in North Carolina, 812 in Pennsylvania and 693 in Wisconsin. The surveys were conducted online May 7-13. The aggregate data from the seven swing states was weighted to approximate a targeted sample of registered voters within the swing states based on gender, age, race/ethnicity, marital status, home ownership, 2020 presidential election, and state. State-level data was weighted to approximate a targeted sample of registered voters in each state based on gender, age, race/ethnicity, marital status, home ownership, and 2020 presidential election. The statistical margin of error within the seven states is plus or minus 1 percentage point; 3 percentage points in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania; 4 percentage points in Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin and 5 percentage points in Nevada.

– With assistance from Allan James Vestal.


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