Modern life relies on electricity and electrical devices, from cars and buses to telephones and laptops to the electrical systems in private homes. Behind lots of these devices lies some form of energy storage, the supercapacitorMy engineering team is working to further improve the energy storage capabilities of those supercapacitors by studying how they store energy on the nanoscale.
Supercapacitors are energy storage devices like batteries. They charge faster than batteries, often in a couple of seconds to a minutebut generally store less energy. They are utilized in devices that must store or deliver energy over a brief time period. In your automobile and in elevators, they can assist recuperate energy when braking to decelerate. They help meet the fluctuating energy demands of laptops and cameras, they usually stabilize the energy load in power grids.

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Batteries work through reactions through which chemicals hand over or gain electrons. Supercapacitors, however, don’t depend on reactions and work like a charge sponge. If you place a sponge in water, it would absorb the water since the sponge is porous – it has empty pores that may absorb water. The best supercapacitors hold essentially the most charge per unit volume, meaning they’ve a high energy storage capability without taking over an excessive amount of space.
In published research within the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in May 2024, my student Philippe HenriqueEmployees Pawel Zuk and me describe how ions move in a network of nanopores, tiny pores which might be only nanometers wide. This research could someday improve the energy storage capability of supercapacitors.
All about pores
Scientists can increase the capability of a clothor the power to store charge by making its surface porous on the nanoscale. A nanoporous material can have a surface area of as much as 20,000 square meters (215,278 square feet) – the equivalent of about 4 football fields – while weighing just 10 grams (a 3rd of an oz).
Over the past 20 years, researchers have investigated how Control this porous structure and the flow of ions, tiny charged particles, through the fabric. Understanding ion flow can assist researchers control the speed at which a supercapacitor charges and releases energy.
However, researchers still don’t understand exactly how the ions flow out and in of porous materials.
Each pore in a layer of porous material is a small hole stuffed with each positive and negative ions. The opening of the pore is connected to a reservoir of positive and negative ions. These ions come from an electrolyte, a conductive liquid.

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For example, while you add salt to water, each salt molecule separates right into a positively charged sodium ion and a negatively charged chloride ion.
When the surface of the pore is charged, ions flow from the reservoir into the pore or vice versa. When the surface is positively charged, negative ions flow from the reservoir into the pore and positively charged ions leave the pore as they’re repelled. This flow forms capacitors that hold the charge in place and store energy. When the surface charge is discharged, the ions flow in the wrong way and the energy is released.
Now imagine that a pore splits into two different branched pores. How do the ions flow from the principal pore to those branches?
Think of the ions as cars and the pores as roads. Traffic flow on a single road is simple. But at an intersection, you would like rules to avoid accidents or traffic jams, so there are traffic lights and roundabouts. Scientists don't fully understand the foundations that ions follow as they flow through an intersection, nevertheless. Figuring out these rules could help researchers understand how a supercapacitor charges.
Modifying a physical law
Engineers generally use a set of physical laws often called “Kirchhoff's laws” to find out the distribution of electrical current across a junction. However, Kirchhoff’s circuit laws were derived for electron transport, not ion transport.
Electrons only move when an electrical field is present, but ions can move without an electrical field by diffusion. Just as a pinch of salt slowly dissolves in a glass of water, ions move from more concentrated areas to less concentrated areas.

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Kirchhoff's laws are like accounting principles for electrical circuit connections. The first law states that the present entering a connection must equal the present leaving it. The second law states that Voltage, the pressure that pushes electrons through the presentcannot change abruptly at an intersection. Otherwise, a further current can be created and the balance can be disturbed.
Since ions also move by diffusion and never only by an electrical field, my team modified Kirchhoff's laws to use them to ion currents. We replaced the voltage V with an electrochemical voltage φ that mixes voltage and diffusion. This modification allowed us to investigate pore networks, which was impossible before.
We used modified Kirchhoff's law to simulate and predict how ions flow through a big network of nanopores.
Along the road
Our study found that Dividing the present from a pore into junctions can slow the speed of flow of charged ions into the fabric, but this will depend on where the junction is situated. And the arrangement of those pores in the fabric also affects the charging rate.
This research opens latest doors to understanding the materials in supercapacitors and developing higher materials.
For example, our model can assist scientists simulate different pore networks to seek out out which one most closely fits their experimental data and optimize the materials they use in supercapacitors.
While our work focused on easy networks, researchers could apply this approach to much larger and more complex networks to higher understand how the porous structure of a cloth affects its performance.
Supercapacitors might be constituted of biodegradable materialsPerformance flexible portable devicesand possibly customizable through 3D printingUnderstanding ion flow is a vital step toward improving supercapacitors for faster electronics.
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