Walnut Creek police search middle school student's home over reports he kept a “kill list” and looked for an AK-47

WALNUT CREEK — A neighborhood middle school student was suspended, placed in a mental sanatorium and investigated by police after officials found he had created a “kill list” of classmates and used a college computer to go looking for tactics to acquire guns and grenades.

The student, whose name was not released because he’s a minor, was also the goal of a police raid on his Walnut Creek home in May. Authorities said they found nothing of value throughout the May 10 search but were searching for further evidence that he was planning to commit violence at the college.

Police say Foothill Middle School became aware of the boy's problems last yr when he allegedly threatened to stab one other student with a drumstick. But more recently, a series of incidents have heightened their concerns. In April, he allegedly threatened the identical student and searched online for tactics to amass an AK-47 and grenades and make an individual “disappear.”

In late April, school officials learned of a possible “kill list” containing the names of not less than 4 students and notified a crisis intervention team and police, authorities said. The boy also reportedly threatened a woman at the college, telling her he would “slit her throat,” authorities said.

About two weeks before the raid, the boy was placed in a psychiatric hospital and suspended from school, authorities said.

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