Wars cause widespread pollution and environmental damage – here's how you may address this in peace agreements

As wars proceed in Ukraine and Gaza, one other conflict-torn place is taking steps toward implementing a historic peace agreement. From the mid-Sixties to 2016, Colombia was characterised by conflict between the federal government, left-wing guerrilla movements and right-wing paramilitary groups. Now the federal government and rebels are working to achieve a comprehensive agreement that addresses many critical areas, including environmental damage and cleanup.

Researchers from the University of Notre Dame Richard Marcantonio And Josefina Echavarria Alvarez Study of peace and conflict issues, including their impact on the environment. They are currently advising negotiations between the Colombian government and several other rebel groups over war damage to land, water and other natural resources. They explain that while Colombia's transition from war to peace has been difficult, the agreement provides a model for addressing the devastating consequences of war in countries comparable to Gaza and Ukraine.

Is it common in peace agreements to handle environmental damage?

Few agreements contain environmental provisions and even fewer provide for his or her implementation, although research shows that there could be many drivers of conflict directly or not directly related to the environment.

We work with a research program on the University of Notre Dame called Matrix of peace agreements, which monitors the implementation of comprehensive peace agreements in 34 countries worldwide. Only ten of the agreements contain agreements on natural resource management, and these have generally not triggered major steps to guard the environment.

Aerial view of a degraded plateau with bare soil
Deforestation and conflict have plagued Colombia's Caqueta region for a long time, as seen in 2023. Both guerrillas and criminals clear land for agriculture, livestock, and other purposes.
Juancho Torres/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

How is the Colombia Agreement different?

Colombia is taken into account that most comprehensive peace agreement which has been signed up to now. Topics starting from security to social justice to political participation are discussed intimately.

The agreement recognizes that a peaceful post-war society requires not only respect for human rights but in addition “the protection of the environment and nature and its nature.” renewable and non-renewable resources and biodiversity.” More than 20% of the commitments within the agreement are environmentally related.

They fall into 4 principal categories:

– Adaptation and response to climate change

– Conservation of natural resources and habitats

– Protect environmental health through measures comparable to access to wash water

– Process questions, comparable to: B. ensuring that communities could be involved in decisions about rural programs and resource management

There are also gaps. For example, many protected areas have been established deforested for livestock and coca cultivation within the post-chord time. And there aren’t any provisions on toxic pollution, a problem that other agreements address also neglect.

This often results in power vacuums Transitions between war and peace, as government agencies work to revive operations. During these phases, natural resources and environmental health have to be protected.

In Sierra Leone, for instance, raw material extraction by foreign firms increased dramatically immediately after the crisis Lomé Peace Agreement The civil war in that country finally led to 2002. Companies often took advantage of the shortage of governance and support in rural areas illegally or dangerously mined metals with none official supervision. Even today, these areas are still fighting the consequences of mining contaminated drinking water and fishcrucial source of protein within the region.

What are the ecological consequences of the war in Ukraine?

The damage is gigantic: air, water and soil pollution, deforestation and large amounts of waste, including destroyed buildings, burned-out cars and hundreds of tons of destroyed military equipment. Russia's destruction of the Kakhovka Dam flooded villages, destroyed crops and destroyed irrigation systems.

Aerial photographs show the extent of harm brought on by the collapse of the Kakhovka Dam in a Russian-controlled area of ​​Ukraine on June 8, 2023.

The cost estimates are staggering. A joint commission of the World Bank, the federal government of Ukraine and other institutions currently estimates the direct damage at roughly $152 billion.

Additionally, there might be costs for site remediation, infrastructure reconstruction and other repairs greater than $486 billion in the following decade, starting at the top of 2023. This number increases on daily basis the war continues.

There is widespread interest in a single Green and sustainable reconstruction This would come with steps comparable to using sustainable constructing materials and powering the grid with renewable energy. President Volodymyr Zelensky insisted that Russia must pay for the damage caused. It is still unclear How that might work, although some US and European lawmakers support it Seizure of frozen Russian assets held in western banks to cover costs.

Promotional video for a European Commission conference in November 2023 on a green recovery in Ukraine.

There is a legal basis to carry Russia accountable. In 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted a set of principles for Protection of the environment during armed conflicts. Among other existing laws, they depend on a protocol to the 1949 Geneva Conventions that prohibits the usage of “methods or means of warfare that are intended or likely to have far-reaching, long-term and serious consequences.” Damage to the natural environment.”

There was only Modest discussion thus far how these principles could be integrated right into a formal peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia. But a working group that included Ukrainian and EU officials, in addition to former leaders from Sweden, Finland, Ireland and Brazil, has really helpful a framework for doing so Combat environmental damage and hold perpetrators accountable.

What environmental impacts are known or alleged in Gaza?

Environmental damage in Gaza can also be devastating. The UN estimated in early 2024 that there have been over 100,000 cubic meters (26 million gallons) of untreated sewage and sewage flows every day onto land or into the Mediterranean.

Gaza's drinking water system was inadequate before the war and was further weakened by military strikes. On average, Gazans now have access to about 3 liters of water per person per day – lower than 1 gallon.

Thousands of buildings were destroyed and sprawled Hazardous substances comparable to asbestos. Every bomb dropped spreads toxic substances that remain in the bottom unless cleaned up. Concurrent environmental and infrastructure impacts comparable to water and electricity shortages are contributing to larger crises, comparable to the collapse of the health system in Gaza, which may have long-term human costs.

A man with three large plastic jugs walks next to a donkey cart
Palestinians collect drinking water in Rafah, Gaza Strip, October 28, 2023.
AP Photo/Hatem Ali

How can future peace agreements address these impacts?

Incorporating the environment into peace agreements is just not easy. Resources comparable to energy, clean soil and water are vital, and that is precisely why armed forces can do that trying to manage or destroy them. Happens in each Ukraine and Gaza.

Peace negotiators are inclined to deal with social, political and economic issues relatively than environmental reparations. But if environmental damage stays unresolved until a peace agreement is signed, people displaced and marginalized by conflict will remain in precarious positions.

It may even result in fighting resuming. According to the UN Environment Program, at the least 40% of all domestic wars over the past 60 years have been related to natural resources. In these cases, fights were twice as more likely to occur Resumption inside five years of the top of the conflict.

We see some lessons for future negotiations.

Firstly, it is vital that agreements are made Recognize environmental damage as one in every of the principal consequences of war and to acknowledge that a healthy environment is crucial for sustainable livelihoods and peace.

Second, linking environmental regulations to other issues comparable to rural reform and political participation could be achieved create higher, more sustainable and equal conditions for the restoration of democracy. An example is the Colombia Accords.

Third, it is vital to obviously define the goals, comparable to what infrastructure and institutions should be rebuilt, who’s answerable for completing these tasks and what the timeline is. This can assist be certain that environmental restoration doesn’t turn out to be a secondary goal.

Fourth, the international community has a crucial role to play in monitoring and verifying environmental cleanup and providing financial and technical support. Foreign donors have already done this has pledged $66 billion to rebuild Ukraine and have stated that they are going to require grantees to fulfill strict environmental standards so as to receive funding.

Rebuilding nations and concurrently regenerating communities and ecosystems after wars is a large task, but in addition a possibility to achieve this construct something higher. We view Ukraine and Gaza as potential test cases for addressing the environmental impact of war and making a more sustainable future.

image credit : theconversation.com