We sued OpenAI to stop exploitation of our work

Without the vast wealth of human knowledge, there isn’t any artificial intelligence.

Today's generative AI applications depend on such information, sourced from across the Internet and various databases, totaling, in response to one estimate, about 300 billion words.

That's a whole lot of mental property, much of it created by generations of skilled writers, refined and refined by editors, and sent out into the world by publishers in newspapers, magazines, books, and more.

It's difficult to place a precise price on something like this and even to measure the general value of such an incredible library.

It definitely shouldn't be free.

But that’s the idea OpenAI is making when it claims that use of all this data, much of which it claims is subject to varied copyrights, constitutes fair use and doesn’t constitute compensation to the unique creators and owners of that knowledge and knowledge requires.

If you went right into a bookstore and stole not just a few books but all of them, that will be against the law, right?

For this reason, newspapers, including this one, in addition to authors and plenty of digital publishers, have filed lawsuits to force OpenAI to pay the prices of exploiting their works.

Ordinary people can't make copies of a current bestseller and resell it with a special cover, nor can a studio stream a competitor's series simply because it's available on the web and you may copy it. They may give you the option to license this material if the owner allows it, and so they can actually purchase copies, but even purchasing a duplicate doesn’t give the purchaser the proper to breed and redistribute such works.

This is a fundamental query of ownership.

Newspapers have been independent entities for a long time. They wrote obituaries for local figures, documented crimes committed and followed disputes over public works. In almost every US city, they’ve gathered a wealth of information every single day.

Stealing this journalism to create recent products clearly geared toward replacing news publishers undermines the news economy at a time when fair and balanced reporting and a shared body of facts are more necessary than ever.

Weakening news publishers also has a knock-on effect on democracy, not only draining publishing revenues but additionally damaging publishers' reputations by attributing false information to credible publications.

The rise of artificial intelligence could also be inevitable, but that doesn't mean content creators shouldn't expect fair compensation.

OpenAI and its principal backer Microsoft pay their engineers to jot down their code and definitely recognize the worth of that code. In fact, OpenAI's current valuation was $90 billion.

Certainly, all of the knowledge and knowledge required to coach your apps – to develop the code, so to talk – is helpful.

This value have to be recognized and these corporations have to be held accountable.

image credit : www.mercurynews.com