Health Department: Homeless camps in San Jose affected by Shigella outbreak

According to the Santa Clara County Health Department, an outbreak of the gastrointestinal disease Shigella has been detected in homeless camps in San Jose since June 3.

There are three confirmed cases of Shigella linked to the outbreak, 4 cases under investigation and at the very least 19 suspected cases, said Dr. Monika Roy, deputy health officer and infectious disease control officer for Santa Clara County. Two of the cases resulted in hospitalizations, which is how authorities learned of the outbreak, she added at a news conference on Tuesday.

Shigella is a gastrointestinal illness that causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps, Roy said. It spreads primarily through contact with infected stool or by eating or drinking contaminated food, the county's Shigella fact sheet said. While most individuals clear the illness by itself, antibiotics are required in some cases, Roy added, and only in “rare cases” is it fatal.

Shigella is an “extremely contagious disease,” Roy said. It only takes a small amount of bacteria to cause the disease, and it spreads quickly in areas with limited access to sanitation and hygiene, making camps particularly vulnerable to spread.

“What's concerning about this outbreak is not the absolute number. We see Shigella cases on a regular basis,” Roy said. “What's more concerning is the number of cases that are linked to each other.”

The cases have primarily affected camps within the Columbus Park area, Roy said, but there have also been cases or suspected cases in other camps in San Jose.

“We are working hard to test all of these people and get the test kits back, but it is challenging,” Roy said. “It will be difficult to identify every single person who may be infected.”

The health department is specializing in two primary areas in tackling the outbreak, Roy said: identifying cases to offer testing and treatment, and stopping further spread of the disease. The department has sent field teams to the affected camps to offer hygiene and testing kits and later returned to gather the tests conducted. Epidemiologists, doctors and nurses have also been involved within the operation.

“The best way to control or contain this outbreak is to improve sanitation and hygiene and provide clean water to residents who may be sick or at risk,” Roy said.

This outbreak is especially difficult to manage since the county suspects more people have contracted the disease but should not sick enough to hunt treatment, Roy said. “That's why we have a large number of suspected cases,” she added.

The city has increased the variety of portable toilets and handwashing stations within the encampment areas and has begun providing drinking water and washing water, Harkness said. The city has also implemented regular cleansing and disinfection of those facilities.

“We will continue to follow all public health guidance and directives,” Harkness said, and can proceed to “provide the services and supports our homeless residents need to ensure their safety and the safety of the community.”

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