How can hail grow as big as golf balls and even grapefruits? The science behind this destructive weather phenomenon

Hail the scale of a grapefruit broken automobile windows in Johnson City, Texas. In June 2024, a storm chaser found a hailstone almost as big as a pineappleEven larger hailstones were documented in South DakotaKansas and Nebraska. Hail has damaged aircraft and even crashed through the roofs of homes.

How do hailstones get so big and do hailstorms worsen?

As an atmospheric scientistI study and teach about extreme weather and its risks. Here you’ll learn the way hail forms, how hailstorms can change and a few tips about how you can protect yourself.

How does hail get so big?

Hail begins as tiny ice crystals which can be swept into the updraft of a thunderstorm. When these ice embryos come into contact with supercooled water – liquid water with a temperature below freezing – the water freezes around each embryo, causing the Embryo grow.

A cut hailstone lying on a table shows several wavy rings like tree rings
A hailstone cut in half, showing layers of clear and cloudy ice that formed because the hailstone traveled through different parts of a storm cloud.
ERZ via Wikimedia Commons, From

Supercooled water freezes at different rates depending on the temperature of the hailstone's surface, abandoning layers of clear or cloudy ice because the hailstone moves in a thunderstorm. If you chop open a big hailstone, you’ll be able to see these layers, which resemble the expansion rings of trees.

The path a hailstone takes through a thundercloud and the time it takes to gather supercooled water determine how large it might turn into.

Rotating, long-lasting, severe thunderstorms, called Supercells are inclined to produce the biggest hailIn supercells, hailstones can remain suspended in strong thunderstorm updrafts, where there’s abundant supercooled water, for 10–quarter-hour or more before their weight causes them to fall out of the storm or move out of the updraft.

Illustration of a storm with updraft and hailstone path forming a loop before descending
An illustration shows the hail zone in a supercell thunderstorm. The hail grows within the updraft of the thunderstorm above the freezing level after which falls to the bottom within the direction of the wind, away from the updraft.

Hail occurs most steadily in spring and summer when several key ingredients are present: warm, moist air near the bottom, an unstable air mass within the mid-troposphere, winds that change greatly with altitude, and thunderstorms triggered by a weather system.

Bigger hail, more damage

Hailstorms might be devastating, especially for farms, where even small hailstones Knock down crops And Damage to fruits.

As hailstones get larger, Energy and power once they hit objects, the energy increases dramatically. Baseball-sized hail falling from the sky has the identical kinetic energy as a typical major league fastball. As a result, property damage—akin to to roofs, facades, windows, and cars—increases when hail becomes larger than 1 / 4.

How meteorologists track hail to issue warnings. NOAA.

Insured damage brought on by storms, dominated by hail damagehave increased significantly in recent many years. This increase is especially resulting from the growing population in hail-prone areas, which has led to more property that might be damaged and the rising costs of repairing or replacing property damaged by hail.

Is climate change making hailstorms worse?

Many people ponder whether the rise in hail damage is said to climate change.

My colleagues and I analyzed 4 many years of hail climate and located that the atmospheric components that produce very large hail – larger than golf balls – have turn into more common in parts of the central and eastern United States since 1970. Other studies that Educational aspects of hail-producing storms or considered Radar estimates of hail have noted a limited increase in heavy hail, predominantly over the northern plains.

There is a some primary hypotheses why climate change may cause some key components of huge hail to turn into more common.

A map shows the biggest increases in the Midwest down to Texas.
Changes within the variety of days with favorable conditions for very large hail. Areas marked in red have seen a rise since 1979, particularly within the Midwest.
Tang et al. (2019)

First, there was a Increase in warm, humid air when the earth warms. This gives thunderstorms more energy and there’s more supercooled water in thunderstorms, allowing hail to grow.

Secondly, there have been more unstable air massesthat form over the upper ground in western North America after which move eastward. As the snow cover disappears earlier within the 12 months, these unstable air masses form sooner because the sun heats the land more quickly, just like turning on a kitchen stove, which then heats the atmosphere above.

Climate change may also result in less small hail and more large hail. As the atmosphere warms, the freezing level within the atmosphere rises. Small hail might completely melt before it reaches the bottom. Larger hail, then again, falls faster and takes more time to melt, so it could be less affected by higher freezing levels.

In summer, a heavy hailstorm covers a road with ice right up to the hoods of cars.
During a hailstorm in Guadalajara, Mexico, in June 2019, the streets were covered in meter-high hail in some places, damaging shops and vehicles.
Ulises Ruiz/AFP via Getty Images

In addition, the mix of more favourable conditions for giant hail and changes within the character of hailstorms themselves may lead to a Increase in very large hailstones in the longer term.

How to remain protected during a hailstorm

Getting caught in a severe thunderstorm with hail falling in every single place might be scary. Here are some safety suggestions If you ever end up in such a situation:

  • If you’re driving, pull over safely. Stay within the vehicle. If you see a garage or gas station roof where you’ll be able to seek shelter, go there.

  • Find a stable shelter outdoors, akin to a constructing. Protect your head when you find yourself outdoors.

  • If you’re indoors, steer clear of windows and stay inside until the hail stops.

Dealing with the results of hail damage can be stressful. some steps now can avoid headaches later. Find out what your property and auto insurance covers. Watch out for roof alternative scams after a hailstorm. Also think preventatively by selecting constructing materials which can be higher able to resist hail damage.

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