I asked my friend if he was gay and he got offended

DEAR HARRIETTE: I even have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and so far as our intimacy dynamic goes, things should not working in any respect.

In a moment of frustration and vulnerability, I gathered up my courage and asked him if he was gay, hoping to grasp the explanation for his distant behavior. Unfortunately, my query triggered a negative response from him, which resulted in anger and threats of separation.

Now I query my approach and wonder if I crossed a line after I confronted him about his sexual orientation.

The sexuality of your dear friend: Even for those who didn't select the most effective query to ask your boyfriend about what's currently happening in your relationship, you continue to began the conversation.

Stay with him. Apologize on your assumption and tell him you’re baffled. You don't understand why the 2 of you are not any longer intimate. You have racked your brain to work out what happened.

Ask him to seek advice from you about it. Be as direct as possible. Even if it feels uncomfortable, ask him if he now not finds you attractive. Ask him if there may be another person or if he has an illness you don't learn about. He must let you understand what he thinks.

DEAR HARRIETTE: Is it okay to not invite my foster parents to my wedding because my biological parents think they’re racist?

My biological parents, who’re black, feel uncomfortable around my white foster parents because they’ve made some racist comments previously. Now I’m faced with the choice to maintain the peace and address these concerns.

I care about each sets of fogeys, but I don't want any tension at my wedding.

At the moment, I are inclined to favor my biological parents because they missed out on rather a lot in my life. They were a young couple who decided to place me in an orphanage because they couldn't raise a baby on the time.

How can I handle this example without hurting anyone's feelings and be sure that everyone feels respected and included on my big day?

LOVE WEDDING DILEMMA: How necessary were your foster parents in your life, especially whenever you were younger? Do you like them? Do they love you?

It's comprehensible that your birth parents felt offended by something they said. But before you make a hasty decision, take into consideration your life together with your foster parents. Did they take care of you? How do you’re feeling about what they said?

I like to recommend talking to each sets of fogeys and asking them to support you in your big day with love and courtesy – on your sake.

image credit : www.mercurynews.com