I used to be crazy about this guy and I believe I scared him

DEAR HARRIETTE: I recently met someone who blew me away.

We've been talking every single day, sometimes late into the night, but he hasn't called for just a few days. Should I push him to seek out out what I did improper or wait and see if he comes back?

DEAR HOT: Trust your gut. It seems like you've already applied an excessive amount of pressure. Don't do anything.

If this guy remains to be all in favour of you, he’ll contact you.

In the meantime, don't just wait for him – live your life. Be grateful that you’ve got rediscovered your sensuality.

Maybe that was the role of this man in your life, to awaken you to yourself again, not necessarily to be your partner. It could possibly be that he served his purpose.

Keep the nice feeling you bought from contact with him, but don't attempt to make more of it than it truly is.

Now calm down and open your eyes to see who could possibly be partner for you. Don't attempt to force anything, just be present.

DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m a 25-year-old woman and I would like to start out a relationship with my childhood friend.

He and I actually have been friends since we were five years old. We went to the identical school from elementary school through college and now we each live in Boston.

Over the years, our friendship has been a relentless source of joy and support in my life. We have countless memories together, from playing within the neighborhood as kids to studying for exams in college. He knows me higher than almost anyone else, and I cherish the connection now we have.

Recently, I've realized that my feelings for him transcend friendship. I'm wondering what it might be like if we were greater than “just friends” and if there's potential for a romantic relationship between us.

The idea of ​​pursuing a romantic relationship with him is exciting, nevertheless it also makes me nervous. I'm scared that if it doesn't work out, our long-standing friendship could possibly be destroyed.

Besides, I do not know if he feels the identical way about me or if he even sees me in a romantic light.

I don't know the best way to bring this up without making things awkward between us. How can I handle this example?

LOVE MORE THAN FRIENDS: Gather up the courage to consult with your friend about it. Tell him that you’ve got a sensitive topic to debate and hope that he’ll hearken to you.

Don't pressure him to make a choice immediately. Be patient and hearken to what he says.

If the reply is yes, explore the probabilities. If the reply isn’t any, give one another some space if needed after which conform to proceed being friends.

image credit : www.mercurynews.com