I worry about how they may react if I disappear from sight

DEAR HARRIETTE: Is it acceptable to deactivate my social media accounts without notifying anyone, especially if I live alone and my mental well-being needs to be a priority?

I actually have been desirous about taking a break from social media to deal with myself and my personal growth. However, I’m concerned about how my family and friends might react to my sudden absence from social platforms, especially since I live independently. I actually have no intention of causing concern in my social circle.

DEAR SOCIAL MEDIA BREAK: Yes! Turn it off. You don't owe anyone a proof as to why you're taking a break from social media.

Since you reside alone, you might wish to inform your emergency contact. Otherwise, the people closest to it’s best to contact you personally anyway.

DEAR HARRIETTE: How do I politely throw my son out of the home?

My 24-year-old son lives with me and my husband in Phoenix. He recently graduated from college and doesn't want to depart our house, despite the fact that he has a job and makes enough money to afford an apartment. He just must live a more modest life.

Right after he graduated from college, I allowed him to live with us because he hadn't found a job yet. But it's been two years since he found a job, and my husband and I feel it's time for him to grow to be more independent and move out.

We enjoy having him around, but we also consider that living alone will help him proceed to grow and mature.

I would like to approach this conversation gently to avoid unnecessary tension or hurt feelings. We don't want him to feel unwelcome or unloved; we would like him to know that this step is about his personal growth and development.

We are happy with his achievements and trust that he can do it on his own. How can we communicate this to him in a supportive and inspiring way?

DEAR TIME TO MOVE: Talk to your son about his plans for the long run. What does he want for his life? How does he imagine it? Does he wish to buy a house?

You will all the time love and support him, but you suspect it’s healthy for him to live under his own roof and make independent decisions. Make it clear to him that he’s all the time welcome within the family home, but that now’s the time for him to determine his own residence.

image credit : www.mercurynews.com