Solar window manufacturer decides to locate its US headquarters in San Jose

SAN JOSE — A solar company that goals to make buildings more energy efficient using solar energy has decided to make San Jose the headquarters of its U.S. operations.

ClearVue PV has developed a state-of-the-art “solar window” that might be used as a facade for buildings to extend the energy efficiency of the structures and provides them the flexibility to generate electricity.

As a part of this ambitious plan, Australian company ClearVue has made San Jose its US headquarters and hopes to translate the green energy initiative of the South Bay city particularly and California normally into successful for its solar window products.

ClearVue has developed special glass technologies that may keep a window completely transparent while generating electricity.

The company unveiled its technology on Monday at an event to officially open its operations and headquarters in San Jose.

“We chose San Jose because San Jose is a leader in green energy,” said Charles Mowrey, president of ClearVue North America, in an interview in the course of the event.

The solar window invented by ClearVue lets light go through the glass after which immediately redirects the incoming sunlight to solar cells that may generate electricity for the constructing.

“ClearVue offers some really exciting technologies,” said San Jose’s Matt Mahan in an interview on the event.

The company employs a handful of individuals and plans to expand its workforce to twenty at its San Jose headquarters.

“Buildings should be able to generate energy on site and not have to run miles of cables to the building,” said Victor Rosenberg, founding father of ClearVue and inventor of the solar window.

In September 2023, ClearVue announced that it had successfully achieved mass production using a normal manufacturing line at a factory in China.

“When you decentralize energy, you don't have to spend as much money on upgrading the grid,” said Martin Deil, CEO of ClearVue. “Peak electricity demand is easier to handle.”

The prospect of low-cost mass production could provide an enormous boost to the corporate's global efforts and people led from its headquarters in San Jose.

“Buildings should be carbon neutral and generate their own electricity,” said Mowrey.

Executives said ClearVue also plans to search for industrial space in the world.

“We want to continue to be a center for innovation,” said Mayor Mahan. “We are pleased that ClearVue has chosen to locate here.”

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