The science behind water landings – an aerospace engineer explains how NASA and SpaceX bring spacecraft safely back to Earth

On July 21, 1961, the American astronaut was for about quarter-hour Gus Grissom felt on top of the world – and he actually was.

Grissom was a crew member of the Mission Liberty Bell 7a ballistic test flight during which he was catapulted through the atmosphere by a rocket. During the test he sat in a small capsule and reached an altitude of over 160 kilometers before splashing down within the Atlantic Ocean.

A naval ship, the USS Randolph, watched the successful completion of the mission from a protected distance. Everything had gone based on plan, the air traffic controllers at Cape Canaveral were cheering, and Grissom knew that he had just been inducted into the VIP club because the second American astronaut in history.

Grissom stayed in his capsule, bobbing on the gentle waves of the ocean. While he waited for a helicopter to take him to the dry deck of the USS Randolph, he recorded some flight data. But then things took an unexpected turn.

A unsuitable command within the capsule’s explosive system led to the hatch to leap outallowing water to flood into the tiny space. Grissom had also forgotten to shut a valve in his spacesuit, allowing water to seep into his suit as he struggled to remain afloat.

After a dramatic escape from the capsule, he tried to maintain his head above water while signaling to the helicopter pilot that something had gone unsuitable. The helicopter was in a position to rescue him on the last moment.

Grissom's rescue, which nearly cost him his life, stays some of the dramatic water landings in history. But surfacing in water stays some of the common ways astronauts return to Earth. I’m a Professor of Aerospace Engineering who studies the mechanisms of those phenomena. Fortunately, most splashdowns aren’t quite so nerve-wracking, no less than on paper.

Two small rafts, one full of crew, float next to a metal capsule.
Navy personnel retrieve the crew from the Apollo 11 return capsule after splashdown on July 24, 1969.
AP Photo/Barry Sweet

Splashdown explained

Before a spaceship can land safely, it returns to Earth must decelerate. As it hurtles back to Earth, a spacecraft has a variety of kinetic energy. Friction with the atmosphere creates air resistance, which slows the spacecraft down. Friction converts the spacecraft's kinetic energy into thermal energy, or heat.

All of that heat is radiated into the encircling air, which gets really, really hot. Since reentry speeds will be over and over the speed of sound, the force of the air pushing against the vehicle turns the world across the vehicle right into a glowing stream of about 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit (1,500 degrees Celsius). In the case of SpaceX's giant Starship rocket, that temperature even reaches 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit (almost 1,700 degrees Celsius).

Unfortunately, irrespective of how quickly the spacecraft re-enters, there is just not enough time for it to slow all the way down to a protected speed that won’t cause it to crash, so engineers resort to other methods that may slow a spacecraft during splashdown.

Parachutes are the primary option. NASA typically uses designs in vibrant colours like orange, which make them easily recognizable. They're also huge, with diameters of over 100 feet, and every reentry vehicle often uses a couple of to make sure the perfect stability.

The first parachutes, the so-called braking parachutes, are deployed when the vehicle's speed drops below about 700 meters per second.

But even then, the rocket must not hit a tough surface. It must land somewhere where the impact is cushioned. Researchers discovered early on that water is a wonderful shock absorber. This is how the water landing got here about.

The Apollo 15 command module splashes down within the Pacific Ocean on August 7, 1971.

Why water?

Water has a comparatively low viscosity – meaning it deforms quickly under stress – and a much lower density than hard rock. These two properties make it ideal for landing spacecraft. However, the opposite fundamental reason water works so well is that it covers 70% of the Earth's surface, so the likelihood of hitting it should you fall from space is high.

The science behind splashdown is complex. an extended history proves.

In 1961, the USA carried out the primary manned water landings. Mercury reentry capsules.

These capsules were roughly conical in shape and fell with their bases toward the water. The astronaut inside sat face up. The base absorbed a lot of the heat, so researchers constructed a heat shield that vaporized because the capsule shot through the atmosphere.

As the capsule slowed and friction decreased, the air cooled, allowing it to soak up the vehicle's excess heat and funky it down as well. At low enough speed, the parachutes would open.

The launch takes place at a speed of approx. 80 feet per second (24 meters per second)While the impact is just not exactly gentle, it’s slow enough to permit the capsule to slam into the ocean and absorb the shock of the impact without damaging its structure, its payload, or the astronauts inside.

Followed the Challenger defeat in 1986When the space shuttle Challenger broke apart shortly after launch, engineers focused their vehicle designs on the so-called Crash behavior phenomena – or the extent of harm a vehicle suffers when it hits a surface.

Now all vehicles must prove that they provide a likelihood of survival on water after coming back from space. Researchers construct complex models after which test them in laboratory experiments to prove that the structure is strong enough to satisfy this requirement.

On to the long run

Between 2021 and June 2024, seven SpaceX’s Dragon capsules performed a flawless splashdown upon their return from the International Space Station.

On June 6, essentially the most powerful rocket ever The SpaceX spaceshipmade an outstanding vertical splashdown within the Indian Ocean. Its rocket engines continued to fireplace because it approached the surface, creating a unprecedented cloud of hissing steam across the nozzles.

SpaceX used water landings to recuperate the Dragon capsules after launch without significant damage to their critical parts, allowing them to be recycled for future missions. By enabling this reusability, private firms can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in infrastructure and reduce mission costs.

SpaceX's Starship splashes down in a cloud of steam on June 6, 2024.

Splashdown remains to be essentially the most common method for spacecraft to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, and as more room agencies and personal firms reach for the celebs, we're prone to see rather a lot more of them in the long run.

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