The wealthy parents were quite cheeky once they asked me for money

DEAR MRS MANNERS: There is a non-public parochial school near where I live. The tuition is high and the college has a repute for being an elite club.

The parents of this school have initiated and vigorously promoted a fundraising campaign. They consider that the college is a necessary a part of our community and have to be kept open.

I even have been asked to donate but am not inclined to accomplish that.

I see this as wealthy people begging the general public on behalf of their private school, which they’ve run terribly badly. When asked, I said that if the college is begging for money, those in charge should show prospective donors their audited financial statements and explain what the long-term plan is. (I used to be going so as to add that folks should get a cardboard sign and stand on the corner, but I refrained.)

When asked in regards to the financial details, my response was “It's none of your business, just donate and don't ask any questions.” For this reason and due to the financial mismanagement, I is not going to donate, regardless that I’m a really generous person.

Is it fallacious to ask these questions after I'm asked to donate to something? I just don't appreciate blanket incursions into my wallet. Is it common today for wealthy people to ask for financial support from less wealthy people with none specific explanation?

I'm sick of being bombarded with all kinds of donations. I'm really affected by donor fatigue and I'm getting more moody and cynical each day.

DEAR READER: Phew. Is it possible that you just don't like this school? Or the parents whose children go there?
Then why are you asking them a couple of campaign you don't wish to contribute to?

Miss Manners agrees that somebody considering a donation should ask how it will solve the organization's problems. The “none of your business” response is just not valid when accompanied by a request for support.

But because you don't take into consideration donating, she concludes that you just only see this as a chance to vent your dislike.

How should I answer the registrar’s query: “Who gives this woman…?”?

DEAR READER: The usual answer is “Yes, I do,” with the emphasis on the “I.” Miss Manners guarantees that nobody will think you could have usurped the groom's answer, as he should put the emphasis on “I do.”

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