Obituaries | Peter Buxtun dies at 86; former public medical expert exposed syphilis study at Tuskegee

NEW YORK — Peter Buxtun, the whistleblower who revealed within the so-called Tuskegee study that the U.S. government left a whole bunch of black men in rural Alabama untreated, has died. He was 86 years old.

According to his attorney, Minna Fernan, Buxtun died of Alzheimer's disease on May 18 in Rocklin, California.

Buxtun is revered as a hero by health scientists and ethicists for bringing to light essentially the most notorious medical research scandal in U.S. history. Documents Buxtun provided to the Associated Press and its subsequent investigation and reporting led to a public outcry that resulted within the study's termination in 1972.

Forty years earlier, in 1932, government scientists began studying 400 black men in Tuskegee, Alabama, who were infected with syphilis. When antibiotics became available to treat the disease within the Nineteen Forties, state health officials ordered the drugs withheld. The study became an remark of how the disease ravaged the body over time.

In the mid-Sixties, Buxtun was working for the state Department of Health in San Francisco when he overheard a colleague talking concerning the study. The research was no real secret—a few dozen articles had appeared in medical journals about it over the past 20 years. But hardly anyone had raised concerns about how the experiment was being conducted.

“This study has been fully accepted by the American medical community,” said Ted Pestorius of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at an event in 2022 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the tip of the study.

Buxtun reacted in another way. After learning more concerning the study, he raised ethical concerns in a 1966 letter to CDC officials. In 1967, he was summoned to a gathering in Atlanta, where agency officials scolded him for his or her impudence. His complaints and his demand to treat the lads at Tuskegee were repeatedly rejected by agency officials.

He left the U.S. Public Health Service and studied law, however the study nagged at him. In 1972, he gave documents concerning the research to Edith Lederer, an AP reporter he had met in San Francisco. Lederer passed the documents on to AP investigative journalist Jean Heller, telling her colleague, “I think there might be something in this.”

Heller's story was published on July 25, 1972, and led to congressional hearings, a class-action lawsuit that resulted in a $10 million settlement, and the study's closure about 4 months later. In 1997, President Bill Clinton officially apologized for the study, calling it “shameful.”

The head of a bunch dedicated to the memory of the study participants said this week that they were grateful to Buxtun for exposing the experiment.

“We are grateful for his honesty and courage,” said Lille Tyson Head, whose father participated within the study.

Buxtun was born in Prague in 1937. His father was Jewish and his family emigrated from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia to the United States in 1939, eventually settling in Irish Bend, Oregon, on the Columbia River.

In his complaints to federal health authorities, he compared the Tuskegee Study to medical experiments conducted by Nazi doctors on Jews and other prisoners. Government scientists didn’t imagine they were guilty of the identical sort of ethical and moral sins, but after the Tuskegee Study was exposed, the federal government issued recent rules governing the conduct of medical research. Today, the study is commonly blamed for the unwillingness of some African Americans to take part in medical research.

“Peter's life experiences led him to immediately view the study as morally untenable and demand justice in the treatment of the men. Ultimately, he could not give in,” said the CDC's Pestorius.

Buxtun attended the University of Oregon, served within the U.S. Army as a medic and psychiatric social employee, and joined the National Health Service in 1965.

Buxtun continued to jot down, lecture, and win awards for his involvement within the Tuskegee Study. As a world traveler, he collected and sold antiques, particularly military weapons and swords, in addition to gambling devices from the era of the California Gold Rush.

“Peter was wise, witty, noble and unceasingly generous,” said David M. Golden, a detailed friend of Buxtun's for greater than 25 years. “He was a staunch advocate of personal freedom and often spoke out against Prohibition, whether it was about drugs, prostitution or firearms.”

Angie Bailie, one other longtime friend, said she attended a lot of Buxtun's presentations about Tuskegee.

“Peter never finished a single lecture without holding back tears,” she said

Buxtun himself could possibly be modest about his actions, saying he didn’t expect the vitriolic reactions of some health officials when he began to query the ethics of the study.

At a forum at Johns Hopkins University in 2018, Buxtun was asked where he got the moral strength to show the matter.

“It wasn't strength,” he said. “It was stupidity.”

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