The Large Hadron Collider is reset and renewed yearly – a CERN physicist explains how the team uses subatomic splashes to restart the experiments

When you press “start” in your microwave or computer, the device activates immediately – but large physics experiments just like the Large Hadron Collider on the European Organization for Nuclear Research, often known as CERN, don't work that way. Instead, engineers and physicists must take a couple of weeks every year to rigorously reset the collider and all of the experiments on it.

I’m a CERN physicist who has been working with my colleagues over the previous couple of months on the reset means of the biggest of the experiments, ATLASTo collect accurate data on particle collisions and explore a few of the universe's most intriguing mysteries, the collaboration must be certain that the instruments are properly calibrated.

At CERNThe Large Hadron Collideror LHC, smashes protons with the very best energy ever achieved to create recent particles, which physicists then capture and study in various experiments.

Male technician sitting on a scaffold looking at one side of the ATLAS experiment at CERN
One side of the ATLAS detector. The technician on the left looks at one in every of the wheels of the muon chambers – sensors for detecting and measuring muons.
Ana Peixoto, the ATLAS experiment at CERN

The LHC explores the hidden world of subatomic particlesthe fundamental constructing blocks of every part around us. Studying these particles helps scientists like me higher understand how the universe works and evolves over time.

Hibernation and waking up of the LHC

Every winter, the collider and its experiments go into hibernation. My team and other teams at CERN are pushing them into this hibernation for several reasons.

The Machines we use here are complex. We need a while to interchange parts or install recent components. And since all these machines devour quite a lot of electricitywe avoid operation in winter, when electricity is costlier and nearby Geneva has to maintain its residents warm.

But when spring comes, all teams prepare the LHC and the experiments for a brand new season of knowledge collection.

While engineers and technicians work to reset the accelerator and prepare it to smash protons, my colleagues and I, the experimental physicists, are preparing the experiments to promptly and accurately collect data on all of the particles produced by the collider.

Tests with cosmic radiation

The experimental teams are starting the primary phase of waking the LHC from hibernation while the accelerator continues to be sleeping. We need to begin testing the particle detectors regardless that the collider that produces the particles will not be working.

In this primary phase, we use what’s at all times available and what nature itself provides – cosmic radiationThese are subatomic particles which might be created when energetic particles from space collide with atoms high up within the atmosphere.

A cosmic ray penetrates the particle detectors and their sensor layers, leaving test data for the physicists.
The ATLAS experiment at CERN

A cosmic ray enters the ATLAS detector within the LHC on the left. Each time it hits a sensor, the ray loses a few of its energy, which the detector converts right into a signal and records. By drawing a line through all of the sensors the cosmic particle hit, physicists can reconstruct its direction of arrival, its path through the experiment, and its energy. Cosmic rays help us train the sensors and check that every part is working as expected.

However, cosmic rays are random and sparse, so we cannot depend on them for all our tests. For subsequent tests, we use a denser and more predictable source – subatomic splashes.

Subatomic splashes to synchronize all of them

The LHC has about 27 kilometers of pipelines through which the protons fly. The tube is surrounded by magnets that guide the accelerated protons. Any particles that stray from the trail are stopped by a small piece of metal called a collimator. This collimator is pushed into the center of the accelerator tube, where the protons hit it and interact with its atoms.

This collision creates an enormous amount of particles, which then move in unison through the accelerator tube as a big splash – or as we call it: “beam splash”. The accelerator team will create this for the ATLAS experiment in around mid-March.

The large wave of particles hits the experiment . This wave allows us to ascertain whether all detectors within the experiment are responding appropriately and synchronously. We also test whether or not they can record and store data on the required speed.

The main image shows a section of the ATLAS detector and colored stripes and lines show the energy loss of a subatomic particle.
During the beam splash test, protons from the LHC hit a collimator in front of the ATLAS detector. These particles could be used to ascertain whether the ATLAS detector as a complete is working. In this visualization, the particle beam enters ATLAS from the left and moves to the fitting.
The ATLAS experiment at CERN

Horizontal muons for calibration

Most of the particle detectors within the experiments at the moment are able to receive recent data. However, some detector types within the LHC still need further testing.

One is that Tile calorimeter of the ATLAS experimenta detector that measures the energy of particles like neutrons and protonsIt consists of rows of tile-shaped sensors, and to accurately calibrate the detector, test particles must pass horizontally through these tiles.

The massive particle beams produced by beam splash will not be good for calibrating the Tile calorimeter. The particles don’t come at the fitting angle and there are too many without delay.

To test the Tile calorimeter, we’re only curious about a certain sort of particle – muons. Muons are just like electrons, but heavier and interact otherwise with the encircling world. You can pass multiple rows of sensors without losing much energy or being stopped – making them useful for testing particle detectors.

Therefore, towards the top of March, we conducted one other test using the collimators again.

This time, nevertheless, the LHC engineers move the collimator only barely into the trail of the protons, in order that the particles only just graze the collimator. The gentle friction of the protons on the metal surface of the collimator creates particles that move parallel to the accelerator tube and hit the ATLAS experiment horizontally.

We use special sensors to detect muons created once they collide with the collimator and mark them. Then we track them as they move through the tile calorimeter.

These horizontal muons go through all of the tiles of the calorimeter in a row, so we will be certain that the information is collected accurately.

A visualization of the tile calorimeter with red lines passing through green wheels and yellow plates.
Specially structured particle detectors require special probes equivalent to horizontal muons for calibration. Muons produced within the LHC tube traverse the ATLAS experiment horizontally. The muons, shown as red lines, are measured by the muon detectors (the green wheels). They then traverse the sensors (the yellow tiles) to calibrate them.
ATLAS experiment @ CERN

Ready for brand new physics

Once the LHC is fully calibrated and operational, accelerates protons to their maximum energy – after which pushes them to date that they collide with one another.

After about 10 weeks of testing, a brand new season of knowledge collection begins, awakening dreams of recent discoveries.

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