Blood sugar fluctuations after eating play a very important role in anxiety and depression

The proverbial “sugar rush” that follows the consumption of a sweet treat is a well known example of the possibly positive effects of food on mood.

On the opposite hand, the sensation of “hangry” – the phenomenon through which Hunger manifests itself in the shape of anger or irritability – illustrates how what we eat or don’t eat may cause negative emotions.

The latest research suggests that Blood sugar fluctuations are partly responsible for the connection between what we eat and the way we feel. Through his Effects on our hormones And our nervous systemthe blood sugar level can Fuel for anxiety and depression.

Mental health is complex. There are countless social, psychological and biological aspects that ultimately determine an individual’s experience. However, quite a few randomized controlled trials have shown that food plan is a biological factor that can significantly influence the danger for symptoms of depression and anxiety, especially in women.

As Resident basically medicine with a Ph.D. in nutritionI actually have witnessed that Antidepressants work for some patients but not others. Therefore, for my part, treatment strategies for mental illness should goal all risk aspects, including food plan.

The role of the glycemic index

Many of the randomized controlled trials which have demonstrated the link between food plan and mental health have the Mediterranean food plan tested or a rather modified version of it. The Mediterranean food plan is usually characterised by a number of vegetables – especially dark green leafy vegetables –, fruits, olive oil, whole grains, legumes and nuts, and small amounts of fish, meat and dairy products. One of the numerous features of the Mediterranean food plan that could be chargeable for its effect on mood is its low glycemic index.

The The glycemic index is a system that rates foods and diets in keeping with their potential to extend blood sugar. In line with the commentary that blood sugar fluctuations affect mood, high glycemic index diets that cause drastic blood sugar spikes have been related to increased risk of depression and to some extent fear.

Carbohydrates with high glycemic index These include white rice, white bread, crackers and baked goods. Therefore, a food plan high in these foods may increase the danger of depression and anxiety. In contrast, carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, equivalent to parboiled rice and al dente pasta, that are absorbed more slowly and cause a smaller rise in blood sugar, are related to a lower risk.

A bowl of warm broccoli, chickpea and rice salad with a wooden spoon in it.
A food plan high in legumes and dark green vegetables results in lower blood sugar spikes.
The Washington Post/Getty Images

How food plan affects mood

Many scientific mechanisms have been proposed to clarify the link between food plan and mental health. One plausible explanation that links blood sugar fluctuations to mood is their effect on our hormones.

Every time we eat sugar or carbohydrates equivalent to bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and crackers, the resulting rise in blood sugar levels triggers a cascade of hormones and signaling molecules. For example, dopamine – our brain’s happiness signal – is the explanation why we are able to experience a “sugar rush” after eating desserts or baked goods. Dopamine is the The way the body rewards us to acquire the calories or energy mandatory for survival.

Insulin is one other hormone that’s triggered by carbohydrates and sugar. Insulin's job is to lower blood sugar levels by moving the sugar we eat into our cells and tissues in order that it may well be used for energy. However, after we eat an excessive amount of sugar, too many carbohydrates, or carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, blood sugar levels rise quickly. results in a drastic increase in insulin levelsThis may cause blood sugar levels to fall below baseline.

This drop in blood sugar levels triggers the discharge of adrenaline And his cousin noradrenalineBoth hormones send glucose into the bloodstream to bring blood sugar levels back to the suitable level.

However, adrenaline doesn’t only affect blood sugar levels. It also affects how we feel and its release can manifest as anxiety, fear or aggressionTherefore, food plan influences mood through its effect on blood sugar levels, which in turn trigger the hormones that determine how we feel.

Interestingly, the adrenaline rush that follows Sugar and carbohydrate consumption only occurs 4 To five hours after eatingSo after we eat sugar and carbohydrates, dopamine makes us feel good within the short term, but in the long run, adrenaline could make us feel bad.

However, not all persons are affected equally. Identical meals can very different blood sugar reactions in several people, depending on gender, and genetics, Lack of exercise And the intestinal microbiome.

And it's necessary to do not forget that, as mentioned earlier, mental health is complicated, so in certain circumstances no amount of dietary optimization can overcome the social and psychological aspects which will underlie the experience.

However, poor nutrition can worsen an individual’s mental health and is due to this fact relevant for everybody, especially women who wish to optimise their mental health. Research has shown that ladies particularly more sensitive to the consequences of the glycemic index And Nutrition overall.

Hundreds of thousands and thousands of individuals worldwide suffer from depression. Doctors are due to this fact intensively on the lookout for ways to scale back the danger of depression, including through food plan.

Unfortunately, easy solutions equivalent to replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners are usually not an option. Studies have shown that amongst all processed foods artificial sweeteners and artificially sweetened beverages are most strongly related to depression.

Mood optimization through food

The most blatant approach to stabilize blood sugar levels is Reduce your intake of sugar and carbohydratesBut that's not the one option. Research has shown that straightforward changes can dramatically mitigate the wild swings in blood sugar levels. Some strategies to stabilize blood sugar levels and optimize mood include:

  • Make low glycemic index carbohydrates like parboiled rice, whole wheat bread and al dente cooked pasta your staple foods and be mindful of what number of high glycemic index carbohydrates you eat. I give my patients this guide to boost their awareness of the glycemic index of various carbohydrates.

  • Eat carbohydrates earlier within the day, for instance at breakfast or lunch, relatively than later within the day, for instance at dinner or, even worse, as a night snack. Our hormones follow a circadian rhythm, and carbohydrates which might be eaten, earlier within the day result in a smaller increase in blood sugar in comparison with carbohydrates eaten later within the day.

  • Avoid eating carbohydrates alone, equivalent to snacking on a packet of crackers or munching on a bowl of rice. Always attempt to mix carbohydrates with proteins equivalent to beans, nuts, meat and fish, or with healthy fats equivalent to olive oil and avocado. Combination of nutrients slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and thus ensures a lower increase in blood sugar.

  • Eat carbohydrates at the tip of the meal, after eating vegetables and protein first. Simply changing the order through which foods are eaten can Blood sugar rise that follows.

  • Eat a salad dressed with olive oil and vinegar before eating carbohydrates. The combination of vegetables, Acid from the vinegar and the fat from the olive oil together decelerate the absorption of carbohydrates and minimize the resulting increase in blood sugar.

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