Raising the retirement age won’t defuse China’s demographic time bomb – but mass immigration will

Chinese staff may soon need to work longer hours.

At the top of July 2024, China’s ruling Communist Party passed a resolution raising the country’s statutory retirement age gradual increase over the subsequent five years.

The final retirement age has not been set, but An earlier official report suggests The age might be around 65 years.

This would make the country more in step with other major economiesincluding the USA. Currently, China has one in all the bottom retirement ages Worldwide, it’s 60 years for men and 55 years for girls in white-collar jobs and 50 years for girls in blue-collar jobs.

The party leadership has been occupied with reforming the Chinese pension system for years. But the apparent urgency reflects growing concern in regards to the impact of a shrinking – and the ageing – of the population can have on the country’s shrinking pension funds.

The funds put aside to cover pension costs in China are likely completely used up by 2035predicted the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences a number of years ago.

Raising the retirement age will undoubtedly cover the funds for a number of additional years.

But it would not be a everlasting solution – and it does nothing to serious demographic problems that China is facing.

I actually have examined China's population for over 40 years; I consider that the demographic problem China is currently facing is some of the serious problems the country has faced in centuries.

With a Fertility rate of 1.1 children per woman – far below the two.1 births per woman required to keep up the native population – and more deaths per 12 months than birthsChina's future is a time of population decline and an enormous increase within the variety of elderly people. The problem is exacerbated by the incontrovertible fact that China just isn’t giving up on the thought of Supplementing the native population through immigration; only 0.1% of the population was born abroad – that is the smallest percentage every major country on the planet.

Demographers know the shrinkage

For most of its existence, communist China was characterised by population growth.

In 1950, a number of months after the Founding of the People's Republic of ChinaThe country's population was 539 million. It then increased yearly for nearly 70 years, reaching 1.43 billion in 2021.

But at this point the height had been reached. In the next years, China had more deaths than births and lost population. In addition, United Nations population forecastsindicate that if current trends proceed, China's population will fall below one billion in 2070, below 800 million in 2086, and to 633 million by 2100.

This represents a lack of greater than half of the present population in about 75 years. Such a drastic population decline would have a devastating impact on the workforce and cause untold economic problems.

Older and smaller

But it just isn’t just the decline in total numbers that’s the problem. Perhaps much more worrying is the changing composition of the population.

According to UN figures, by 2023, almost 20 percent of China's population shall be of retirement age of 60 or older. But by 2100, this proportion is anticipated to rise to an astonishing 52 percent.

The data also shows that currently around 12 percent of China's population are young staff aged between 20 and 29, while 46 percent are older staff aged between 30 and 59. But by 2100, this share of the workforce is anticipated to drop dramatically, to only over 7 percent for young staff and around 29 percent for those aged 30 to 59.

Similarly, in China, the number of kids and young adults aged 19 and under will fall from 21 percent in 2023 to 11 percent in 2100.

In short, China's population projections don’t bode well for the country's future. There shall be fewer staff to take care of a growing variety of dependents, especially the elderly.

But China's plans to boost the retirement age will only barely alleviate the issues related to these trends. Raising the retirement age won’t slow China's population decline, nor will it change the ratio of working to non-working adults little or no.

The need for migration

However, there’s something that may mitigate this trend: immigration.

Many of the world's major countries with very low birth rates depending on international migration young staff – and these young immigrants even have more babies than the natives. Compare, for instance, China’s low rate of 0.1% foreign-born Almost 14% of foreigners born within the United States And 18% in GermanyEven the East Asian countries Japan and South Korea have a better proportion of foreign-born people than China. at 2% And 3.7% or.

The Chinese government has made several attempts to implement policies to extend the birth rate, but these haven’t worked. In fact, demographers agree that such “pronatalist” policies are generally ineffective.

However, it would not be easy to search out a job in China, a rustic with little immigration experience and a seemingly deep-rooted belief in racial purity shared by many managers in the Communist Party.

There might be resistance to immigration from the Chinese population. Young Chinese staff could be those most affected by an increase in immigration numbers. In the early years of a policy encouraging mass immigration, some Chinese would lose their jobs and need to search for work elsewhere. This could be particularly the case for young staff.

But typically, immigrants seek employment in occupations that the native population doesn’t prefer – sometimes known as “three Ds jobs”, or those which might be dirty, dangerous and degrading. This is the case in most European countries and within the USA

And the choice could be much more painful for China in the long term. Unless an lively immigration policy is implemented, by the start of the subsequent century China shall be half the scale it’s today and shall be one in all the oldest countries – if not the oldest country – on the planet.

Beijing is already facing the strain of those trends, which is why pension reforms are essential. But without the influx of young immigrants, China's problems shall be much worse.

image credit : theconversation.com