Technology can sometimes be too complicated

I remember a time when this wasn't such a giant problem because there have been no smartphones or PCs and many of the products you could possibly buy were pretty easy to know. Even something so simple as watching TV was so much more straightforward back then when the one buttons on the set were the facility button, the quantity control and that big round button that permit you make a choice from not more than 13 channels.

One of my friends' fathers is 90 years old and lives in an apartment that doesn't have cable, so his only option is to stream TV over the web. His adult daughter had to put in writing him an illustrated guide on how one can use YouTube TV, but even with that learning aid, he's having trouble mastering the digital equivalent of adjusting channels.

Smartphone mandatory

These days, having a smartphone is important for some common tasks. If you desire to schedule a service appointment on a Tesla, you’ve gotten to do it through the iOS or Android app. You can't set it up through the phone or perhaps a computer. I'm sure most Tesla owners are pretty tech-savvy, but I'm also sure there are some who aren't. Even those of us who’re tech-savvy may not have perfect eyesight. Until recently, the fonts on the screen were far too small for a lot of drivers, but recently a big font option was added that greatly improves this. That's greater than I can say for other products I've used with tiny font on the screen or on paper or the product itself. I actually have devices which have buttons labeled in a way that I can't decipher either due to small font or using symbols I don't understand. And while it's not a technical problem, don't even get me began on the leaflets that include prescribed drugs, the font of which is usually far too small for the mostly elderly audience who’re more likely to need those medications.

Use an app or stay hungry

Most airlines now charge an extra fee if you desire to make a reservation by phone. If you’ve gotten an issue or query, you’ve gotten to navigate through quite a lot of phone options before being placed on hold to talk to an individual. Then you’ve gotten to attend on hold for who knows how long. If you reserve online or through an app, you practically must be Sherlock Holmes to get it right. There are actually several tiers of economy fares to decipher, including some that don't even allow you to reserve a seat when booking, but as an alternative must return into the app and pay extra to pick out a seat. Be sure to ascertain in the event that they're refundable or in the event you may even apply the worth of an unused ticket to a different flight. For an upcoming European trip, I did the maths and decided that a one-way economy flight from Prague to San Francisco would make sense because I didn't have to ascertain any luggage. Even with paying for a seat reservation, it was cheaper than standard economy. But now I regret it because I had to vary my return destination and I won't get a credit for the unused part.

If you desire to order a meal or snack on board a United Airlines flight, you'll need a smartphone or tablet with the United app. Most airlines stopped accepting money payments years ago, but now United doesn't even accept bank cards. I ponder if some people go hungry because they don't have a smartphone or the United app, or because their phone battery is as dead as their stomach.

Walking around

While most hotels still allow reservations by phone, you just about must log on to get the very best rate, and you possibly can often find cheaper rates through third-party apps or web sites than directly with the hotel. If you do reserve online, nonetheless, watch out to not make a mistake, especially if it's a nonrefundable reservation. A number of years ago, I booked a hotel but by chance chosen the mistaken month and was unable to get a refund from either the web site or the hotel itself. And if you have to make a change to a hotel or airline you booked through an app, the hotel or airline will let you know to call the app company, and the app company may thoroughly let you know to call the hotel or airline. It gets even worse in the event you're on a codeshare flight. I booked a United flight through Expedia that was operated by Lufthansa. In my futile try and get a flight credit for my unused flight segment, I called United but was told to call Lufthansa, who told me to call Expedia.

Technical limitations

I like that I can see my doctor online, but some people don't have the equipment or technical skills for a web-based appointment. I attempted to get an in-person appointment with a health care provider, but I used to be told I could only see her online. That would have been wonderful if I hadn't wanted a test from her that would only be done in person. We had the web appointment, then I had to return back weeks later for the five-minute procedure.

I realise I sound a bit like a grumpy old man, but as someone who has been an enormous fan of consumer technology for many of his life, I'm more comfortable than sad concerning the way technology has evolved. Still, there's a time, place and purpose for every little thing, and I need to live in a world where technology is on the market and accessible, but not mandatory.

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