Both cats and dogs wish to play fetch – it relies on their hunting instinct

Many people have seen dogs playing fetch, but cats also enjoy playing. Despite their very different hunting and play styles, fetching in each species seems to mix elements of predatory and social behavior.

Although their domestication history and natural behavior are very different, cats and dogs have many things in common. Both species are predators, live closely with humans, and might have intense social experiences with us.

In our newly published studywe found that greater than 40% of cats described in our survey data played fetch, compared to almost 80% of dogs. We also highlighted several possible reasons for fetching, including play, selection during domestication, and learning effects.

Retrieving strengthens the bond between dogs and cats and folks.

Hardly any research

Our research group became aware when British researchers published a study in 2023 that showed some Key characteristics of retrieving in catsThe scientists surveyed 924 owners of cats that retrieved and located that the cats retrieved quite a lot of objects, from pet toys and paper balls to pens, bottle caps and even shoes.

Perhaps most intriguing was the proven fact that the cats were generally not trained to fetch things—they exhibited the behavior spontaneously. Cats also preferred to initiate the fetch game themselves and were more prone to play after they brought a toy to their human than when the human threw a toy.

Prior to this study, little scientific attention had been paid to cat retrieving behavior. However, because this study only surveyed owners of cats that retrieved, there was no option to compare these animals with cats that didn’t. We wondered if there was something in regards to the cats themselves that made some more prone to retrieve than others.

And what about dogs? Retrieving is considered one of the essentially the most common types of play between dogs and humansMany dogs were bred and chosen specifically to help human hunts by Retrieving preyWe expected to search out extensive research on retrieving behavior in dogs, but found that this topic has rarely been addressed in studies on dog behavior.

Fluffy, get the ball!

To close this gap, our group has joined forces with Researcher James Serpell from the University of Pennsylvaniawho developed two survey-based tools to evaluate the behavior of dogs and cats. The surveys include basic questions on each animal's breed, age, and living environment, followed by dozens of questions on their behavior, including traits reminiscent of predatory behavior, sociability with people, activity level, and fearfulness. Both surveys also included questions on retrieving.

Using these survey results, we analyzed data from hundreds of cat and dog owners to learn how common retrieving is and what characteristics of a cat or dog and their environment are prone to predict retrieving.

We found that retrieving is far more common in cats than expected. Over 40% of cat owners had a cat that retrieved “sometimes, usually, or always.” For comparison, we also provided the primary estimate of the prevalence of retrieving behavior in dogs. Almost 78% of dogs in the information retrieved.

Interestingly, male sex was related to higher retrieving behavior in each species. Older age and health problems reduced the likelihood that either cats or dogs would retrieve. And in each species, living with a dog also resulted within the animal represented within the survey retrieving less.

There were also breed differences, especially in dogs. Breeds known for responding to human commands and showing interest in toys, reminiscent of German Shepherds, Golden Retriever And Labrador Retrieverwere among the many breeds that retrieved most ceaselessly. In contrast, hunting and livestock guardian dogs were amongst people who retrieved least.

Retrieving was correlated with the trainability of dogs, no matter breed, indicating the potential importance of early number of dogs as human helpers. long before we began breeding dog breeds.

There are far fewer cat breeds than dog breeds, and our study included fewer pedigree cats than dogs. Nevertheless, we also found breed differences in cats. Siamese, Tonkinese, Burmese And Bengal were the cats that were retrieved most frequently.

Retrieving correlated with activity level: cats that ran, jumped, explored recent objects in the home, and played with their owners were also more prone to retrieve.

From hunting to catching

The roots of retrieving behavior lie within the hunting practices of each species. Cats are referred to as stalking hunters, which suggests that they sneak up on their prey and strike at the proper momentDogs are considered to be hunting predators that Hunting prey over longer distances.

Breed evolution has altered the everyday predatory behavior sequence of dogs, which is as follows: orient, scout, stalk, chase, bite, kill. Dog breeds bred for exaggerated or heightened “chasing and/or biting” behavior – reminiscent of pointers and retrievers – usually tend to retrieve and perform the predatory behavior sequence and “kill” bite less often.

However, each cats and dogs carry their prey away from the killing site, which can partly explain the emergence of behaviors reminiscent of retrieving.

Although cats are sometimes viewed as independent and aloof, recent studies have found that cats show connection to people, perceive social signals from people and even recognize the voice of its ownerWe hope our study will further help people understand that cats are able to loving relationships with humans, especially when these popular pets are well socialized and supplied with a stimulating and secure environment. This includes playing fetch in case your cat is inclined to achieve this.

With all of the differences between dogs and cats, we discover it charming that they’ve agreed on the same behavior – retrieving. Retrieving also highlights the ability of the human-animal bond. Humans clearly play a very important role in retrieving behavior, although dogs and cats see us as just the thing that moves the toy in order that they can chase it.

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