David Arquette, grow to be the person you need to be

CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Pink, 45; David Arquette, 53; Brooke Burke, 53; Neko Case, 54.

Happy birthday: See the sights, explore and expand your vision, mind and soul. A change of location or a change in your routine will bring you a brand new lease on life. Don't limit your possibilities for fear of failure. Make all the things you do a learning experience and grow into the person you aspire to be. Leave temptations and excessive behavior behind and embrace knowledge and perfection. Your numbers are 3, 11, 16, 28, 35, 41, 48.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19): Take precautions, follow rules and regulations, and update any records, documents, or guarantees that need revision. Keeping your word or addressing pending issues may also help reduce friction and disruption. Use your wisdom, select your words rigorously, and switch something negative into something positive. 3 stars

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20): Create memories; a precious moment will bring you closer to someone you like. Be generous and use your charm and qualities to enhance the lives of others. Let your actions prepared the ground and show your feelings. Be brave, kind and sincere. 3 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be factual and share information, or someone will misunderstand your words and put you in a vulnerable position. Uncertainty requires insight in your part to tell apart between fact and fiction. Don't give in to emotional manipulation; use your connections to bring the reality to light. Make personal growth a priority. 3 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): You have options. Get on the market, get entangled, and connect with individuals who can share priceless insights and data. Take higher care of yourself by eliminating excessive stress and unnecessary bullying or criticism out of your life. Make creativity and friendship with like-minded, supportive individuals a priority. 5 stars

LEO (July 23 – August 22): Make up your mind. Inconsistency can be your downfall. Focus on what you would like and one of the best approach to achieve your goal. Rely less on emotional influences and more on facts, honesty and integrity; you’ll gain momentum. An lively pursuit of happiness pays off. 2 stars

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22): Invest your energy in something meaningful. Improve yourself, complete unfinished business, adjust your lifestyle to fit your budget and physical abilities, and make your life easier. Don't be afraid of what you don't know; embrace change and move forward. Write your story and live your dreams. 4 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Explore the probabilities; live, learn and experience what life offers. A day trip, a conference or researching an area of ​​interest will result in something recent and exciting. Embrace acquaintances, communication and checking out what others think and may contribute. Don't stay home when an adventure awaits you. 3 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don't let yourself get indignant if you're higher off with exercise and fun. Hang out with interesting people and interact in pastimes that challenge you to look, feel and be higher. Put your energy into something you care about and make a difference. 3 stars

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21): Don't underestimate the competition. Someone you least expect will disappoint you. Be in your guard, don't share secrets and select a minimalist lifestyle. Protect your repute and outshine anyone who tries to spoil your mood. Focus on achieving what you got down to do. 3 stars

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): Discipline pays off in health and funds. Don't follow the gang; do what works best for you and be a task model for those around you. Pay attention to details and do your best to uncover information that can enable you to make higher decisions. 4 stars

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18): Don't depend on others for help. Rely in your strengths to beat any obstacle and you will see an outlet for what you will have to supply. Explore the probabilities and let your entrepreneurial spirit run wild. Personal gain is favored and romance is in the celebs. 2 stars

PISCES (February 19 – March 20): Trust your intuition and say no to overly persuasive people. Stay determined to pursue your goals and finish what you began. Stand tall, be proud and pursue your dreams. It's as much as you to put the inspiration on your future prospects. Put yourself first. 5 stars

Birthday child: You are inventive, charming and capable. You are persistent and charitable.

1 star: Avoid conflicts, work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can achieve something, but don't depend on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll achieve your goals. 4 stars: Set high goals, start recent projects. 5 stars: Nothing can stop you, aim for gold.

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