Incumbent's victory in Cambridge primary confirmed after recount


Representative Marjorie Decker of Cambridge will retain her seat after a recount requested by her primary challenger confirmed the incumbent's narrow victory on Thursday.

The Cambridge Electoral Commission confirmed the outcomes at around 6pm. Decker received 3,471 votes and Evan MacKay 2,430, GBH News reportedThe results differed by just one vote from the unofficial results released last week.

Decker may have no Republican challenger in November, so the recount all but ensures she is going to remain within the state legislature for a seventh term. The challenge from MacKay is Decker's best election yet. She has never faced a Republican opponent since entering the state legislature in 2012, and her last primary challenge was in 2018. reported.

MacKay, a progressive Harvard University graduate and organizer, initially declared himself the winner on the night of the Democratic primary for Middlesex's twenty fifth District last week. The Cambridge Election Commission initially announced unofficial results on Tuesday that showed MacKay winning with 3,354 votes to Decker's 3,314.

The commission then met to review provisional ballots and hand-count about 250 more ballots. Their latest results showed Decker narrowly ahead with 3,472 votes to MacKay's 3,431.

MacKay then filed a motion for a recount, which was accomplished on Thursday and confirmed Decker's victory.

In an announcement to, MacKay admitted defeat and thanked poll staff and volunteers.

“The work we have been able to accomplish together has been incredible,” they said. “I am deeply moved by how our community has come together to advocate for important issues like housing, transportation and climate justice.”

Decker didn’t reply to a request for comment, but GBH said the incumbent thanked his supporters in the course of the recount.

“I just want to say to all of you how grateful I am for your trust in me, for your trust in the work we do together,” she said, in response to GBH. “I look forward to continuing to serve our community. I can't wait to get back to working on the issues we care about.”

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