With the spread of Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis, a neurologist explains the best way to protect yourself during this latest outbreak of the “Triple-E” virus

What is Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis or Triple E?

Eastern equine encephalomyelitis is a virus that is especially transmitted by certain mosquitoes. It was first discovered in Horses that died of encephalitis along the Mid-Atlantic coast in 1933. It was found that electrical and electronic equipment causes diseases in humans during an outbreak involving horses and humans in southeastern Massachusetts in 1938.

Since then, sporadic cases in humans and horses have been reported almost yearly. Atlantic, Great Lakes and Gulf Coast regions the United States, with major outbreaks in these areas occurring several years apart. The last significant outbreak of human EEE disease occurred in 2019, when over three dozen cases were reportedmostly from Massachusetts and Michigan.

How is it transmitted?

EEE virus exists in a natural cycle between – the black-legged or black-tailed mosquito – lives in eastern freshwater hardwood swamps and certain birds that live in such swamps.

Mosquitoes feed almost exclusively on birds and don’t normally bite humans or horses. However, more common mosquitoes akin to and might sometimes bite infected birds, develop into infected themselves, after which transmit the EEE virus to nearby humans or horses. These mosquitoes are called “bridge mosquitoes.”

In rare cases, the EEE virus has also been Transmission through organ donationTheoretically, transmission can be possible through blood transfusions.

Why are EEEs appearing now?

Typically, about 10 cases are reported in humans every year. Atlantic, Great Lakes and Gulf Coast regions the United States, although there are probably many more mild cases that go unreported. Most human cases happen from July to October in endemic areas.

Much larger outbreaks of EEE disease occur in certain areas every few years. In 2019, for instance, over three dozen cases reported, especially from Massachusetts and MichiganThese cyclical outbreaks are likely on account of a posh interplay between temperature, precipitation, mosquito population, bird immunity and bird migration patterns.

Cases of electrical and electronic equipment in humans have been reported from Massachusetts, Vermont, New Jersey, Wisconsin and most recently New Hampshire, including one death in an adult.

What are the principal symptoms of EEE and the way serious can an infection be?

Researchers cannot estimate exactly how often people develop into sick after being infected with the virus. Our best estimate is that about 95% of those infected have either no symptoms or relatively mild symptoms. Some may develop fever or flu-like illness after an incubation period of 4 to 10 days.

About 5% of individuals infected with the EEE virus can develop a Brain swelling called Encephalitis.

This brain swelling will be particularly severe and require intensive care. About one third of those affected by encephalitis die. The other two thirds could have everlasting neurological deficits including cognitive problems, weakness or movement disorders.

People under 15 and over 50 in addition to individuals with weakened immune systems are higher risk of encephalitis.

Are there treatments or vaccines for EEE?

There are no proven effective treatment for EEE at the moment. Some clinicians have tried steroids to cut back swelling or antibodies to enhance the immune response, with various successHowever, not one of the treatments have been capable of prove their effectiveness in large clinical trials.

Brain swelling may require intensive care, and seizures may require treatment with antiepileptic drugs. Almost all patients who develop encephalitis and survive require prolonged rehabilitation.

There are currently no commercially available vaccines for humans against electrical and electronic alcohols. There are vaccines for horses in endemic areas.

How do you prevent EEE?

In general, if you happen to prevent mosquito bites, They prevent infection with the EEE virus.

You can do several things to forestall mosquito bites:

– Use a Insect repellents registered by the Environmental Protection Agency on exposed skin when you find yourself outside and mosquitoes are around. They are protected and effective when used as directed.

– Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants if possible. It is far more difficult – and even not possible, depending on the material – for mosquitoes to bite through clothing. You may also treat your clothing with the insecticide. Permethrinwhich moreover repels mosquitoes.

– Avoid being outdoors from dusk to dawn. Many species of mosquitoes are most lively at the moment.

– Use fly screens or air con in buildings to maintain mosquitoes out.

– Drain any unused standing water around your property. Mosquitoes wish to breed in standing water. You can use this water to water plants.

Finally, certain local vector control authorities in communities with high infection burden may think about using mosquito repellent to kill mosquitoes.

Is there a “Western” version of the virus within the US?

Yes. Western equine encephalomyelitis or WEE virusis a virus closely related to EEE. Historically, it was endemic within the Western United States and South America.

However, the last WEE outbreak within the United States occurred in 1987, and the last reported case within the United States was in 1999Researchers have no idea why WEE has not occurred within the western United States for nearly twenty years, though resurfaced in Argentina End of 2023.

WEE is taken into account less serious than EEE, but can still cause encephalitis, especially in young children and the elderly. The resurgence of diseases akin to EEE and WEE highlights the importance of public health surveillance.

image credit : theconversation.com