NASA desires to send humans to Mars within the 2030s – a manned mission could unlock a few of the Red Planet's geological secrets

NASA plans to send people on a scientific tour to Mars, possibly as early as 2035. The journey will take around six to seven months each and last as long as 3 months 250 million miles (402 million kilometers) each way. The astronauts could spend as much as 500 days on the planet's surface before returning to Earth.

NASA Artemis program plans to return humans to the Moon this decade with a view to practice and prepare for a Mars mission as early because the 2030s. While NASA has several reasons for pursuing such an ambitious mission, crucial reason is scientific exploration and discovery.

I’m an atmospheric scientist and former NASA researcher helped determine the scientific questions a Mars mission would investigate. There are many mysteries to explore on the Red Planet, including why Mars looks the best way it does today and whether it has ever harbored life, past or present.

Mars, a dusty reddish planet floating in space.
Exploring Mars can tell researchers more in regards to the formation of the solar system.
J. Bell/NASA via AP

Geology of Mars

Mars is an interesting planet from a geological and atmospheric standpoint. It formed with the remainder of the solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. About 3.8 billion years ago At the identical time, life emerged on EarthEarly Mars was very Earth-like. It had that loads of liquid water on its surface in the shape of oceans, lakes and rivers and had a denser atmosphere.

While Mars' surface is now completely devoid of liquid water, scientists have discovered evidence of ancient lakes, rivers and even a beach on its surface. Its north and south poles are covered in frozen water, with a skinny layer of frozen carbon dioxide. At the South Pole, the carbon dioxide envelope disappears in summer and the frozen water stays free.

Today the atmosphere of Mars may be very thin and about 95% carbon dioxide. It is crammed with atmospheric dust from the surface, giving the Martian atmosphere its characteristic reddish color.

Scientists know lots in regards to the planet's surface by sending robotic missions, but there are still many interesting geological features that must be studied in additional detail. These features could tell researchers more in regards to the formation of the solar system.

The northern and southern hemispheres of Mars look very different. About a 3rd of Mars' surface – mostly within the Northern Hemisphere – lies 2 to 4 miles (3.2 to six.4 kilometers) lower in elevation, called northern lowlands. The northern lowlands have some large craters but are relatively smooth. The southern two thirds of the planet are called the southern highlandshas many very old craters.

Mars has that too largest volcanoes that scientists have observed within the solar system. Its surface is peppered with deep craters by asteroid and meteor impacts that occurred within the early history of Mars. Sending astronauts to check these features may help researchers understand how and when necessary events occurred in Mars' early history.

Mars' volcanoes tower over each of Earth's tallest mountains.

Ask the precise questions

NASA formed a committee called the Human Exploration of Mars Science Analysis Group to plan the long run mission. Along with NASA scientist James B. Garvin, I led the panel to develop and evaluate it Key science questions on Mars. We wanted to search out out which research questions require a human mission slightly than cheaper robotic missions.

The panel developed recommendations on several necessary scientific questions regarding human exploration of Mars.

One query is whether or not there’s life on the planet today. Remember, life on Earth arose about 3.8 billion years ago, when Earth and Mars were similar-looking planets, each with abundant liquid water, and Mars had a denser atmosphere.

Another query is what form of environmental changes caused Mars to lose the widespread, abundant liquid water on its surface, in addition to a few of its atmosphere.

These questions, together with other recommendations from the panel, made it into NASA's architectural plan to send humans to Mars.

How do you get to Mars?

To send people to Mars and return them safely to Earth, NASA has developed a brand new, very powerful launch vehicle called Space Launch System and a brand new one human carrier spacecraft called Orion.

To prepare and train astronauts for all times on Mars and exploration of Mars, NASA has launched a brand new program to return humans to the Moon Artemis program.

In mythology, Artemis was the dual sister of Apollo. The Artemis astronauts will live and work on the moon for months to organize for all times and work on Mars.

The Artemis program plans to return humans to the Moon with the expectation of eventually sending humans to Mars.

The Space Launch System and Orion Successful launch on November 16, 2022 as a part of the Artemis I mission. It was the Artemis program's first unmanned flight to the moon, and there Orion orbited the moon for six days, traveling as much as 80 miles (129 kilometers) above the surface.

Artemis I landed back on Earth on December 11, 2022, after its 1.4 million mile (2.2 million kilometer) maiden voyage.

Artemis IIIis the primary mission to return humans to the lunar surface planned for 2026. The Artemis astronauts will land on the moon's south pole, where scientists imagine there could also be large deposits of underground water in the shape of ice that astronauts could mine, melt, purify and drink. The Artemis astronauts will establish habitats on the lunar surface and spend several months exploring the lunar surface.

Since the moon is one just 240,000 miles (386,000 km) from Earthit’ll function a training ground for future human exploration of Mars. While a Mars mission remains to be a few years away, the Artemis program will help NASA develop the capabilities it must explore the Red Planet.

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