There was perhaps no higher place to be this Sunday than the beach.
Naked San Franciscans fought for a number of free feet of sand on China Beach, sunbathers joined surfers in Pacifica and families arrange umbrellas on Alameda Beach as temperatures hit latest each day records in 10 different Bay Area cities.
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Sunday was the most popular day of the yr up to now in San Francisco and Oakland, where temperatures reached 98 and 100 degrees. San Jose set a each day record for top temperatures daily last week except Saturday, Oct. 5, with temperatures reaching 106 degrees Tuesday through Thursday.
A heat warning was in effect for giant parts of the Bay Area over the weekend. Meteorologists warned people to drink loads of fluids and stay in air-conditioned rooms.

After the seven-day heat wave, the Bay Area is predicted to chill down on Monday, with more significant drops in temperatures on Tuesday.
“We will see hot temperatures drop and the marine layer rebuild,” said Crystal Oudit, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service.
Amid record temperatures, Pacific Gas & Electric customers in Oakland and Walnut Creek reported power outages for several hours Sunday afternoon. Power is predicted to be restored late Sunday evening.
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