Brentwood veterans which are dissatisfied with the district above the town center of fireplace brigade plan – the Mercury News

Brentwood – military veterans in Brentwood are pushing a plan to construct a brand new fire station in the town center, and claims that the situation along with a veteran memorial hall was only intended for the veteran use “historical and legal”.

While the veterans support the necessity for a brand new station, they argue that Contra Costa County is exceeded by the land bought almost a century ago by a special tax that was bought in 1922 American Legion Posts and ex-soldiers. “

Donald Hester, secretary of the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building, said that the supervisory board of Contra Costa approved the special tax on March 20, 1922. In 1923 the district acquired the land package for the Veterans Memorial Hall, which was completed in 1925.

Hester said that the property on which the memorial building and the proposed fire brigade 94 were bought for veterans to provide them with a committed space for the collection and services of their community. He said that every deviation from the original intention of ownership was a misuse of taxpayers.

“This should protect taxpayers. If you are a taxpayer and tax (district) to build a school and say that we now need a fire brigade, we will take part in the property that was for school and turns it into a fire station, ”said Hester. “Taxpayers would rightly be upset because now (the district) abuses these funds.”

He noticed that the property boundary of the property was changed to record the size of the new fire station.

“They want to take more land every time they expand and change the building. They took the veteran more land, ”said Hester.

Daniel Duran, President of the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building Board and commander of the American Legion Post 202, said the market took place every Saturday. He said it also disturbs the alley and the charging zones for local companies.

“We haven’t any problems with a fireplace station, but not less than we explain why she needs to be on this place,” said Duran.

Aaron Mcalister, deputy fire chief of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, said that the new fire brigade with two bays will offer the residents urgently needed fire and medical services.

McAlister said you will also be partners with events in the city center and take part in the city center and make accommodation for all road closures. He said the fire brigade expected no effects of the loading zones in the alley because the previous fire station had to get access.

He found that the Fire District operates firefighters in many inner city areas with high -density communities in the county.

“We are used to dealing with tight rooms. Our drivers are used to dealing with these situations, ”said McAlister.

The Fire District has already spent around 1 million US dollars for the project.

“We have awarded a general contractor a contract for the development of this hearth station to bring services to downtown Brentwood,” said McAlister.

Members of the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building Board hope that the Brentwood Planning Commission will refuse plans for the 94 fire station next month, which will be estimated at $ 12 million. After approval, construction could begin early in spring.

The legal advisor of contra Costa County Supervisorin Diane Burgis made it clear that the district is obliged to provide veterans in Brentwood with a building that gives state law veterans in the building that prevents the district on the lot Adjust the property.

“The district used the tax proceeds to purchase the true estate within the 757 First Street in 1923. When it bought ownership, the district became the owner,” said the legal advisor in an e -mail. “As long because the district provides a constructing for veterans, the district can take all legally approved measures in relation to property, including the variation of the lot line, because the district is the owner.”

The press reported in 1937 that the county had built a fire station on the part of the purchased package in which experienced volunteers had served. However, there are no records from which the fire brigade underpins the property from the American legion.

Hester said that there is only an old newspaper article in which the veterans gave subtle reduction to create the fire station.

Burgis announced last year Fire station 54which was previously used by East Contra Costa Fire.

Burgis said the fire station was an important project that benefits the residents of Brentwood and County because it will have the “highest level of skilled fire protection in our history”.

She explained that the requirements for larger garages, modern earthquake standards and other necessities would require a greater footprint for the fire station 94 than the existing fire station that had been there for decades.

“As a result, a small a part of the country within the district property is essential for the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building for the development of this life -saving resource,” said Burgis in a statement on this news organization. “The district has the country and is legally authorized to transfer it for the brand new fire station by lots of adaptation to the hearth brigade.”

Burgis said that the transfer from Land to the Costa County Fire Protection District will not affect the veterans and the continued use of the Veterans Memorial Building, which is also owned by the district.

She said the district rented the Veterans Memorial Building to its board of trustees for $ 1 per year.

“The district has provided around 350,000 US dollars for improvements to the Veterans Memorial Building,” said Burgis.

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