Four photos by a famous artist Sally Mann were recently faraway from the partitions of an exhibit on the Modern Art Museum in Fort Worth on the behest of local Republican officials who claimed it was child pornography. Fort Worth police are actually investigating the allegation.
These photos – taken greater than 30 years ago – show Mann's children posing naked on the family's distant farm in rural Virginia. They were included in an exhibition entitled “Diaries of the homeland“, which also featured images from renowned photographers LaToya Ruby Frazier, Nan Goldin and Catherine Opie, amongst others.
One of the confiscated photos shows her son's naked torso dripping with a melted popsicle, evoking the innocence and messiness of childhood. In one other picture, Mann's naked daughter tiptoes across a tabletopwhich evokes each her strength and her vulnerability.
For many years these works have aroused admiration and, yes, condemnation.
I’m a art historianand mine latest book documents the rise of art censorship after the passage of the National Act first federal law against obscenity in 1873, which became often known as the Comstock Act after its chief lobbyist, Christian evangelical activist Anthony Comstock.
Today, the Comstock Act is within the news largely since it bans abortion drugs, which were considered a type of obscenity alongside erotic images, sculptures, and sex toys. But within the law's early years, it was used to confiscate large amounts of art and literature that were considered offensive, obscene or erotic. Although this kind of censorship has since been deemed unconstitutional by various U.S. Supreme Court decisions, Debates over What constitutes obscenity, child pornography, and artistic expression stays.
For me, the events surrounding the removal of Mann's photographs are paying homage to a censored past.
Evangelical foundations
Throughout Comstock's profession, evangelical Christians were probably the most ardent supporters of his work; They were behind the creation of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vicewho financed his investigations.

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Comstock's censorship campaigns varied. Sometimes he was concerned with nudity Drawings, paintings and sculptures. But also relatively tame Photos of actresses in pantyhose drew his wrath.
In Fort Worth, Objections arose by local Christian activists and organizations. Chief amongst them was the Danbury Institute, which wrote one open letter to the Fort Worth Museum, accusing Mann's photographs of “normalizing pedophilia” and the exhibition more broadly of promoting “the breakdown of the God-ordained definition of family” through its depiction of LGBTQ parents Mission statementthe Institute declares that “Holy Scripture is authoritative, infallible, infallible and sufficient.”
Comstock also believed that “God’s Law” must be the guiding standard for American jurisprudence. To justify the confiscation and destruction of an infinite variety of images and objects throughout his 43-year profession, Comstock often claimed to have done so Fight against Satan.
His efforts gained widespread popularity when it got here to the sexually explicit images circulating in bars and saloons. But he eventually ran afoul of Americans' more liberal and pluralistic attitudes when he targeted art and popular culture.
Courts expand freedom of expression
As the twentieth century progressed, the Comstock Act lost most of its effectiveness.
Judges and juries increasingly upheld civil liberties claims in cases involving freedom of expression, significantly expanding the scope of the law First Amendment.
In 1973, the Supreme Court struck down the law three-part “test” for obscenity. The final point of this test states that a piece just isn’t obscene if it has “serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.”
In my view, there is no such thing as a credible claim that Mann's long-celebrated photographs lack serious artistic value.
After the removal of Mann's photographs Art advocate have quickly identified that the seized images will be seen on outstanding museum web sites across the country. The National Coalition Against Censorship And Artists in peril The organization made strong statements in support of the exhibition of Mann's photographs.

Timothy A. Clary/AFP via Getty Images
The Fort Worth Sheriff's Office, which holds the photographs, is reportedly investigating whether or not they violate the photographs Texas Child Pornography Law. However, since Mann's photographs don’t depict sexual acts, the one phrase on this state law that may very well be considered relevant is “indecent exposure,” where “indecent” is defined as intent to stimulate sexual desire.
Here the context is crucial. As one among the critics of the removal of Mann's works identified“Almost everyone reading this can easily differentiate between going to a museum and opening Pornhub.”
By selectively removing a few of Mann's photographs from the exhibit, suspecting that they might have been child pornography, Texas officials removed them from their context as artistic endeavors. In doing so, they introduced the images to an audience who would never have seen them in an art museum, but who may now seek for them online with prurient intent.
Once again I can't help but see a connection to Comstock's crusades. His efforts backfired to some extent because the targets of his anger fell away Student drawings of nude models To Birth control literatureShe ended up gaining more publicity than she would have otherwise.
Curators also play a task
Despite legal protections, curators are still sensitive to how artworks might offend viewers and have developed a variety of practices to accommodate this sensitivity.
Three years ago, I interviewed curators and directors at academic art museums and galleries across the country as a companion on the National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement on the University of California.
My research focused on how museum professionals approach the exhibition of probably controversial artworks. They talked to me about different best practices. For example, prominently displayed content warnings allow viewers to decide on to affix the exhibition or avoid it altogether. Thoughtful placement of works and extra commentary add context and encourage thought and discussion.

Michael Barera, CC BY-SA
The curators of Diaries of Home clearly adhered to those best practices.
They stated the destination of her exhibition: “to examine conceptions of home in all their complexity” and to present the perspectives of girls, LGBTQ and non-binary artists and topics. A content warning was visible to the audience before entering the gallery: “This exhibition depicts adult themes that may be sensitive to some viewers.” Museum staff provided wall lettering, tours and artist talks.
These contributions situate the artworks on display inside a broader conversation about families in contemporary America that fluctuate in composition, definition, and lifestyle.
In other words, they show that these are serious, thoughtful artistic endeavors.
While I cannot imagine that there shall be a successful prosecution, I do think that damage has been done. That can have been a goal from the beginning.
The threat of legal motion undoubtedly has a deterrent effect. The Modern Art Museum in Fort Worth has one to contend with potential lack of donors. Responding to official and public critics requires time, money and energy.
In Comstock's time, civil rights activists, artists, and humanities organizations rose to the challenge of defending their freedom of expression.
Anyone who values artistic expression today could have to follow of their footsteps.
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