Woman Arrested After 27 Horses Found Dead at San Joaquin County Properties – the Mercury News

San Joaquin County sheriff's deputies uncovered a “serious” case of animal neglect Wednesday after they executed a search warrant on several properties in Clements and discovered over two dozen dead horses.

The search warrants were a part of an ongoing investigation into animal neglect and allegedly showed several malnourished horses with limited access to food and water. Deputies also found roughly 27 dead horses on the properties.

Animal Services officers, together with veterinarians who were on the scene, immediately began assessing the condition of the still-living horses, the sheriff's office said.

Animal Services Officers and veterinarians are still evaluating additional horses and animals as a result of the dimensions of the property.

Arrested was Jan Johnson, who was taken into custody on suspicion of animal cruelty, threatening an officer, making criminal threats and possessing a short-barrel shotgun.

According to jail records, Johnson was released the identical day she was arrested.

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