Ex-congressman TJ Cox by Fresno pleads “guilty” for 2 fraud

By Thaddeus Miller, the Fresno bee

The Fresno bee

Former Congressman TJ Cox from Fresno could also be many years in prison after changing his request on Monday because of two fraud.

The democrat announced on Monday, almost two months after a plea contract, “guilty” ahead of judge Troy L. Nunley.

In return for guilty for wire fraud and an indictment of wire fraud that affects a financial institution, the US law firm approved that the opposite 24 cases have fallen, said the lawyer of Cox, Mark Coleman,.
COX is in prison 20 years ago and a high quality of 250,000 US dollars for a count and 30 years and a high quality of $ 1 million for the opposite. If he were sentenced to each stays in prison, the punishments would run at the identical time, said Coleman.

“TJ is a wonderful person who has done a lot of good for this community. Unfortunately, he got into a situation in which he made some decisions that he should not have made in this matter, ”said Coleman. “TJ has diverted money that was intended for another purpose to keep companies alive, and he is now taking responsibility for this behavior.”

COX could also receive probation without prison, however the punishment is to be determined by a judge in a hearing of June 2.

According to the general public prosecutor, COX stole greater than 1.7 million US dollars of redirected customer payments and company loans and investments.

They also claim that Cox created false records and a fraudulent loan guarantee to secure a constructing loan of 1.5 million US dollars through a non -profit sport for improvements in Granite Park, a sports complex in Fresno.
As a part of the plea contract, COX undertakes to pay 3.5 million US dollars in reimbursement and might be obliged to submit records of his financial assessment, the deal says.

image credit : www.mercurynews.com