The San Mateo police asks the general public for help to discover the suspect that’s involved in a collision that killed you – the Mercury News

A person was killed in a collision in San Mateo on Saturday in a collision in San Mateo, and the police asks the general public to discover the suspects involved.

The victim was Mark Kremer, a 56-year-old inhabitant of San Mateo. The police said that the incident occurred on Saturday shortly before 9 p.m. in a press release from the police authority that the crash west of the 1400 block of the Fashion Island Boulevard near the bridge took place towards South Norfolk Street. The police said Kremer had been approached by an unknown automobile and died of his injuries on the scene.

The San Mateo police ask the general public whether there are witnesses or video material that might have caught the crash. The crash occurred near a pc business near Iona Technology Inc. The police asked the individuals who live, work, work or visited, or visited all of the camera meters that they might record between South Norfolk Street and Chess Drive concentrated specifically on the world of ​​1400 fashion Island BLVD. and South Norfolk Street, on Saturday between 8:45 p.m. and 9 p.m.

The police said that also they are open to Dash -CAM film material for vehicles which might be east or west of the South Norfolk Street on the Fashion Island Boulevard, which can have recorded other vehicles in the world before or after the crash.

The police also encouraged the suspect to report as an alternative of getting the police find.

“It is not easy to carry to carry the scene of the accident and we understand that he will probably refer to it,” the police said of their press release. “The stress of the unknown can be a severe burden, but we ask you to do the right thing and report it forward.”

Anyone who has details about this case has been instructed to contact the Jolivette commissioned by by email to jjolivette@cityofsanmateo.

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