“The US government has not paid us for the reason that end of December. We have about $ 12 million we delivered. We wonder if that is so – is the US government still good? Is your word still good? “Just a few weeks after taking office, President Trump aimed at USAid:” The whole thing is a fraud. To be used little or no. “But his mission to reduce the expenditure for foreign help could cost thousands of jobs at home.” Here we come from Florida. Texas. For greater than a decade, the operation has been heavily based on the USAID financing. But on this Republican district, the employees could pay the value. “I used to be born here in Fitzgerald and grew up all my life. I just looked for extra money, pay higher. But after I arrived here and discovered what we do, the mission is to feed the youngsters. This place here is required. “In the early 2000s, Fitzgerald lost a big manufacturer of cars and railway jobs and was economically beaten up. “Really put within the mouth in some way. Unemployment probably rose from 4 percent to around 15, 16 percent. “In 2011 Mana opened his first factory here. Two years ago, they announced plans to quadruple production. “We hoped to become the capital of the hunger solution of the world.” “This is just not about eliminating foreign help. There are things that we do through USA, which we should always proceed to do. “At the top of February, Foreign Minister Marco Rubio announced a 3rd of Mana's contracts and said they weren’t in national interest. Every week later they were stopped again. The backwards and forwards broadcasts have stranded and got the business partners of Mana in a nutshell. “There continues to be numerous uncertainty. We received many calls. Peanut shells, suppliers say: “Are you continue to in business? Are you good for these contracts? 'When we check with our banks: “Is our credit line still good for us if our only customer does not pay?” “Well, even some of our employees, they voted with this administration. You can see who chose because you cannot hold it out now. You are concerned. “” I can't help but believe that the president has a strategy and we have the feeling that we will be implemented. I hope it certainly. “” I hope that the administration will have the moral imagination to preserve the interests and budget of the American people, but continue to feed the poorest in the world. ” “Are we concerned? Something. But we pray. “
image credit : www.nytimes.com
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