The house with 4 bedrooms in San Jose sells for $ 1.2 million

2584 Boren Drive - Google Street View
2584 Boren Drive – Google Street View

A house within the 2500 block of the Boren Drive in San Jose has recent owners. The 1,418 square meter property, which was inbuilt 1967, was sold on February 11, 2025 for USD 1,155,000 or $ 815 per square foot. This one -story house offers a spacious lounge with 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms. In addition, the home features a garage with two cars that provides generous space for vehicles and warehouse requirements. The lot size of the property measures impressive 6,000 square foot.

These nearby houses were recently sold:

  • A 1,444 square meter house on the 900 block of Idlewood Drive in San Jose was sold in November 2024 for USD 1,320,000, a price per square foot of USD 914. The house has 3 bedrooms and a couple of bathrooms.
  • On the Boren Drive, San Jose, a house was sold in May 2024 with a square meter of 1,406 square meters for $ 1,180,500, a price per square foot of USD 840. The house has 3 bedrooms and a couple of bathrooms.
  • In May 2024, a 1,178 square meter house at Shhilshone Circle in San Jose sold a price per square foot of USD 1,061. The house has 3 bedrooms and a couple of bathrooms.

This article was generated by the Bay Area Home Report, generated software, which analyzes the sale of homes or other data and creates an article based on a template created by humans. Our real estate data come from public records registered and digitized by local district offices. You can report errors or errors to

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