Why self-service kiosks in restaurants can result in customers ordering less food

When restaurant customers order at a self-service kiosk while a line forms behind them, they feel rushed, causing them to purchase less and stick to familiar products as a substitute of searching for something latest, in line with one The most up-to-date study we published.

We've found that companies can reduce this pressure and increase customer satisfaction by redesigning their system in order that a single line of waiting customers results in multiple kiosks. This way, customers feel less rushed because they're not the one ones holding up the road.

We are experts in food and beverage marketing and research self-service technology. In recent years many restaurants have taken over Automated technology to streamline the ordering process and alleviate staff shortages. This ultimately gives customers more control over the order, but an unintended consequence of this appears to be that it also makes them feel more accountable for keeping the road behind them moving, resulting in rushed orders.

To understand what's occurring here, we conducted three experiments where we asked lots of of participants to assume standing in line at a restaurant in numerous scenarios. We found that almost all people actually feel pressured to order quickly when there's a line forming behind them. This led to hasty decisions and lower spending overall.

However, we also found that retailers can address this issue in two ways: by establishing a single queue serving multiple kiosks, or by displaying a pop-up message on the kiosk interface indicating that the business takes full responsibility for any service delays on menu orders.

Our research highlights the social dynamics at play in self-ordering, and we consider it provides beneficial insights for designing a more practical and customer-friendly self-service process. It also makes restaurant owners aware of the potential unintended consequences of moving to automated technology.

image credit : theconversation.com