Two people arrested after attack on Dublin High School locker room

An 18-year-old and a 17-year-old man were arrested on suspicion of assault, Dublin Police Services said in a press release on Friday. The older suspect was also arrested on suspicion of kid abuse and trespassing.

Both suspects are former students of the Dublin Unified School District, police said.

The attack occurred on August 23 at around 3:30 p.m. A student, her mother and 4 young men entered the campus and confronted the victim outside the sports complex, in line with a summary of the incident prepared by the varsity district.

After the altercation, the victim went to the locker room. The men followed him and attacked him, the report states. Members of the football team broke up the attack.

The student and her mother weren’t involved within the physical attack, police said.

It appears there had been previous conflicts between the victim and the girl, police said, and although the mother confronted the victim about these conflicts, she didn’t appear to have coordinated the attack.

The older suspect could also be acquainted with the victim and the younger suspect is said to the girl and her mother, police said.

According to the incident summary, the girl “will face appropriate academic consequences following the completion of the school investigation.” She was suspended.

The mother was denied access to the campus, the report says.

Efforts are being made to enhance security at the varsity, the overview says. A campus monitor is now stationed at the doorway to the car parking zone and locker rooms to watch access, and police have increased their presence at the varsity.

The district also plans to lift the thought of ​​additional fencing at an upcoming school board meeting.

“While this will not solve all potential problems, it will allow the site to better control the entry and exit of individuals at the school,” Superintendent Chris Funk wrote in a message to folks. “This, along with the recent installation of a video surveillance system, should greatly improve campus security.”

The incident stays under investigation and police are working to discover the opposite suspects.

Anyone with information in regards to the case can contact police at 925-833-6670.

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