The increasing vulnerability of coastal cities to hurricanes is exacerbated by each climate change and unchecked population growth

Warm water within the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico can trigger powerful hurricanes, but how destructive a storm becomes depends not only on the climate and weather – it also depends upon the people and property which can be in danger.

In many coastal cities, rapid population growth has resulted in additional people living in areas at high risk of flooding.

I’m a geographer studying the human dimensions of climate change and natural disasters. My research and mapping with colleagues shows that vulnerable communities – those least in a position to prepare for or get better from disasters – are inclined to be focused in areas more susceptible to flooding, particularly along the Gulf Coast.

Larger, vulnerable population groups

Almost 40% of the US population lives in a coastal district today. Many of those areas are increasingly exposed to disasters, including hurricanes and flood This was made worse by Sea level rise.

The Gulf of Mexico region specifically is vulnerable to simultaneous disasters brought on by climate change – when multiple disasters occur concurrently. For example, when Hurricane Beryl hit Texas in July 2024, 3 million homes and businesses were without power for several days. within the midst of the scorching summer heat – along with coping with heavy rain and flooding.

To make matters much more complicated, greater than a fifth of the population in Harris County, home of Houston, are considered socially vulnerable, i.e. people who find themselves likely vulnerable to break from extreme weather conditions.

New Orleansone other city with high social vulnerability, was under a hurricane warning And Power outages are expected as Hurricane Francine made landfall in September 2024.

A car with the trunk open is stuck in floodwater up to the window pane. In the background you can see a flooded motorway overpass. The water flows like rivers over the pavement.
A vehicle sits abandoned in floodwaters on a highway after Hurricane Beryl swept through Houston on July 8, 2024. Houston was also within the midst of a heat wave.
Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Socially vulnerable populations within the United States include many older adults, individuals with disabilities, people living in poverty, mobile home residents, and other marginalized groups. They often do not need the resources or physical condition to arrange for a storm or the means to rebuild afterward.

Several cities along the Gulf Coast – including Houston; New Orleans; Mobile, Alabama; And Tampa, Florida – have large, vulnerable populations which can be at high risk of hurricane damage. In a lot of these cities, land development patterns and policy decisions have increased the potential for damage.

A map of Houston showing the areas most at risk for flooding.
A map of Houston showing the areas most in danger for flooding.
Hemal Dey/University of Alabama. First published within the Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 8, 19, 2024 by Springer Nature, CC BY-ND
A map of Houston showing areas of high social vulnerability
Houston's social vulnerability map overlaps with the town's highest flood risk areas.
Hemal Dey/University of Alabama. First published within the Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 8, 19, 2024 by Springer Nature, CC BY-ND

Unchecked urban sprawl

Houston provides a case study within the challenges posed by unchecked urban sprawl in coastal cities.

Harris County grew by a 3rd from 2000 to 2023, gaining 1.3 million residents, making it the third most populous county within the USA The economic boom that accompanied population growth brought jobs to the county, but not all of those jobs are well paid. Harris County The poverty rate is 16.5%significantly above the National average of 11.5%.

After the most important flood damage brought on by Hurricane Harvey in 2017, a heated debate erupted. Many observers pointed to a fragile reality: Houston was built on a swampThe laissez-faire mentality typical of Texas politics, which goals to not interfere with growth, has contributed to unchecked urban sprawlturning wetlands into concrete surfaces. When wetlands are simply paved over, heavy rain can’t be absorbed as easily, making latest residential areas extremely vulnerable to flooding.

A person holds on to a signpost while trying to wade through waist-deep water in a flooded neighborhood of homes and sidewalks.
The remnants of Hurricane Harvey dumped dozens of inches of rain on the Houston area. Since much of the town is paved, streets became rivers.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Preliminary investigations of my research group, which deals with risk decisions notes that of all land use and land cover types in Harris County, built-up area has grown the fastest, from 35% of the county's area in 2000 to 50% in 2020.

Harvey was a vivid example of the importance of stormwater planning in urban development. But because the destruction brought on by the storm fades from collective memory, increasingly more persons are Moving to Houston.

Given the high population density and infrastructure within the coastal region, more persons are in danger. More people mean that the impact of a disaster might be far greater than it was just a number of a long time ago.

Preparing for future disasters

Coastal communities cannot afford to attend for the wake-up call of a disaster to take a position of their protection. To prepare for future disasters, I imagine they should rethink urban development and Climate change at the back of my mind.

A woman exits a mobile home that is knee-deep in muddy flood water.
A mobile home resident in Harris County contends with flooding from the San Jacinto River during one among several flood events within the Houston area in 2024.
AP Photo/Juan Lozano

Building resilience involves improving flood control infrastructure and improving emergency response capabilities as storms intensify. It also includes implementing zoning regulations that restrict development in flood-prone areas. And it might even require an orderly retreat—through buyouts to maneuver some communities to safer areas.

Educational campaigns are also essential to lift awareness of disaster risks. Accurate flood risk maps, for instance, can Motivating people to take out insurance, select their places of residence more fastidiously and prepare their homes for local risks. Successful awareness campaigns Partnerships with grassroots organizations to expand community networks and reach out to vulnerable populations and help them prepare.

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